
FY2024 FY2023 FY2022 FY2021 FY2020


  • Please check the top page for the latest information.
  • 2024/11/03 The 3rd Quantum Programming Contest Qcoder, developed by Mr. Yukiyoshi and his collaborators, was held. (Qcoder)
  • 2024/10/27 Mr. Rou, a PhD candidate at Prof. Abreu's group, will give a presentation at Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers.
    • Hyeon Seok Rou, Kein Yukiyoshi, Taku Mikuriya, Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu, and Naoki Ishikawa, “AFDM chirp-permutation-index modulation with quantum-accelerated codebook design,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, California, US, October 2024.
  • 2024/10/17 A new preprint on quadratic assignment problem is available for download.
  • 2024/10/16 A new preprint on Grover adaptive search with spin variables is available for download.
  • 2024/10/10 Our paper on the quantum algorithm for binary constant weight codes has been accepted for publication in Quantum Information Processing.
    • Kein Yukiyoshi and Naoki Ishikawa, “Quantum search algorithm for binary constant weight codes,” Quantum Information Processing, in press. (arXiv)
  • 2024/10/10 Mr. Yukiyoshi, a second-year master's course student, gave a presentation on GAS at IEEE VTC2024-Fall, and received the IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2024 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award. (Program p. 45 / IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter / YNU)
    • Kein Yukiyoshi, Taku Mikuriya, Hyeon Seok Rou, Giuseppe Abreu, Naoki Ishikawa, “Grover adaptive search for maximum likelihood detection of generalized spatial modulation,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), Washington DC, US, October 2024.
  • 2024/10/08 Mr. Baba, a first-year master's course student, gave a presentation on DNN-based detector for Grassmann constellation at IEEE VTC2024-Fall, and received the IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2024 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award. (Program p. 37 / IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter / YNU)
    • Ryusei Baba, Hiroki Iimori, Chandan Pradhan, Szabolcs Malomsoky, and Naoki Ishikawa, “Deep neural network based reduced-complexity detector for Grassmann constellation,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), Washington DC, US, October 2024.
  • 2024/10/01 Five undergraduate students joined our laboratory.
  • 2024/09/19 A new preprint on Grassmann-based covert communication is available for download.
  • 2024/09/18 JST approved funding our joint research project for CRONOS.
  • 2023/08/28 Our paper on Grover adaptive search has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering.
  • 2024/06/25 Mr. Kato, a first-year master's course student, gave a presentation on data-carrying reference signals at IEEE VTC2024-Spring, and received the IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2024 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award. (Program p. 23 / IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter / YNU)
    • Taiki Kato, Hiroki Iimori, Chandan Pradhan, Szabolcs Malomsoky, and Naoki Ishikawa, “Performance analysis of data-carrying reference signal in time-varying channels,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Spring), Singapore, June 2024.
  • 2024/06/12 A new preprint on Grover adaptive search is available for download.
  • 2024/06/07 Our paper on the quantum speedup for multiuser detection has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
  • 2024/05/29 Mr. Yukiyoshi's proposed project has been adopted by the MITOU Target Program for FY2024.(IPA
  • 2024/04/22 Our paper on the acceleration of Grover adaptive search has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering.
  • 2024/04/01 Two graduate and three undergraduate students joined our laboratory.


  • Please check the top page for the latest information.
  • 2024/03/25 Mr. Yukiyoshi received a grant from the Unitary Fund for the global expansion of his quantum programming contest system. (Web)
  • 2024/03/25 Two graduate students successfully completed their master's degrees, and three undergraduate students successfully completed their bachelor's degrees. In addition, Mr. Norimoto received the YNU CREATES Paper Award.
  • 2024/03/14 Prof. Konstantin Mikhaylov (Assistant Professor, University of Oulu) visited our laboratory. He will stay until April 18.
  • 2024/03/14 Mr. Norimoto received the IEICE Smart Radio Paper Award. (SR / YNU)
  • 2024/02/21 Our proposal for JSPS Grant-in-Aid (Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research) has been approved.
  • 2024/02/20 Our paper on the achievable rate analysis of data-carrying reference signal has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  • 2024/01/18 Mr. Katsuki received the IEEE SPS Japan Student Journal Paper Award. (SPS / YNU)
  • 2023/12/08 Prof. Ishikawa received an award from the President of YNU for obtaining external fundings.
  • 2023/11/22 Our joint works with Ericsson Research were introduced in Ericsson Forum 2023, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo.(ケータイWatch
  • 2023/10/10 Mr. Kanazawa, a first-year master's course student, gave a presentation on OTFS at IEEE VTC2023-Fall, and received the IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2023 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award. (Program p. 33 / IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter / YNU)
    • Yuta Kanazawa, Hiroki Iimori, Chandan Pradhan, Szabolcs Malomsoky, and Naoki Ishikawa, “Multiple superimposed pilots for accurate channel estimation in orthogonal time frequency space modulation,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Fall), Hong Kong, China, October 2023.
  • 2022/10/03 Four undergraduate students joined our laboratory.
  • 2023/08/29 Our paper on the capacity analysis of GQSM has been accepted for publication in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
  • 2023/08/04 A new preprint on Grover adaptive search is available for download.
  • 2023/07/13 Dr. Iimori, a collaborative researcher at Ericsson Research, gave a presentation at an internal conference.(Program
  • 2023/07/12 A patent application PCT/IB2023/057172 has been filed.
  • 2023/07/04 Our paper on Grover adaptive search has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering.
  • 2023/06/23 Mr. Norimoto, a second-year master's course student, gave a presentation at IEEE VTC2023-Spring, and received the IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2023 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award. (Program p. 32 / IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter / YNU)
    • Masaya Norimoto and Naoki Ishikawa, “Grover adaptive search for joint maximum-likelihood detection of power-domain non-orthogonal multiple access,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring), Florence, Italy, Jun. 2023.
  • 2023/05/29 Mr. Yukiyoshi's proposed project has been adopted by the MITOU Target Program for FY2023.(IPA
  • 2023/05/11 Our paper on physical-layer security has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
  • 2023/04/14 Our online lab tour was held. Thank you for your participation.
  • 2023/04/11 Our paper on passive Wi-Fi monitoring has been accepted for publication in IET Electronics Letters.
  • 2023/04/04 A plenary meeting of JST SICORP EU-JP ORACLE project was held in Japan.



  • 2022/03/31 A patent application 2022-058084 has been filed.
  • 2022/03/31 A patent application 2022-058078 has been filed.
  • 2022/03/31 A patent application 2022-058075 has been filed.
  • 2022/03/24 Three undergraduate students successfully completed their bachelor's degrees.
  • 2022/03/18 The first Deliverable of the EU-JP ORACLE project has been published.(Deliverable
  • 2022/03/07 Prof. Ishikawa was certified as an IEEE Transactions on Communications Exemplary Reviewer 2021. (Web)
  • 2022/02/25 A patent application 2022-028275 has been received.
  • 2022/02/23 A new preprint on physical layer security is available for download.
  • 2022/02/15 Our laboratory will give five presentations at IEICE General Conference. (PDF)
  • 2022/02/01 Our laboratory made a joint research agreement with Ericsson.
  • 2021/11/01 International press release on quantum speedup for index modulation was published. (English / Japanese)
  • 2021/10/05 Three undergraduate students joined our laboratory.
  • 2021/09/29 Mr. Katsuki, a first-year master's course student, gave a presentation on the nonsquare differential MIMO at IEEE VTC2021-Fall, and received the IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2021 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award. (Program p. 33 / IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter / YNU)
  • 2021/09/08 A paper on chaos-based physical layer security scheme was accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
  • 2021/08/04 A paper on quantum speedup for wireless communications was accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This paper is a single authored publication by Dr. Ishikawa.
  • 2021/07/13 The first-authored paper by Mr. Katsuki, a first-year master's course student, has been accepted to IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2021 Fall.
  • 2021/05/09 A preprint on quantum speedup for wireless communications is now available on TechRxiv. (TechRxiv)
  • 2021/04/01 Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research (SCAT) approved funding our research project.
  • 2021/04/01 Four graduate students joined our laboratory.
