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Highly contributed researchers in 1969
Norihiko Morinaga (2) / Toshihiko Namekawa (2) / Tadao Kasami (2)
Note on a Class of Statistical Recognition Functions
Author: Takayasu Ito
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Computers
An upper bound on k/n for affine-invariant codes with fixed d/n (Corresp.)
Author: Tadao Kasami
Analysis of the output of FM correlation systems
Authors: Norihiko Morinaga, Hisashi Osawa, Toshihiko Namekawa, Kenji Aoyagi
Even-shift orthogonal sequences
Authors: Yasuo Taki, Hiroshi Miyakawa, Mitsutoshi Hatori, Seiichi Namba
Some Remarks on BCH Bounds and Minimum Weights of Binary Primitive BCH Codes
Authors: Tadao Kasami and Nobuki Tokura
Comments on "Autocorrelation function of the output of a nonlinear angle modulator" by Wittke, P. H
Authors: Norihiko Morinaga and Toshihiko Namekawa
Threshold characteristics of FM signals demodulated by an FM discriminator
Author: Osamu Shimbo
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Inf. Theory