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Highly contributed researchers in 1972

Hiroshi Miyakawa (3)

Noriyoshi Kuroyanagi (2) / Shinichi Tamura (2) / Tadao Kasami (2) / Toshihide Ibaraki (2)

High-Speed Facsimile Recording with Laser Light Sources

Authors: Akira Fukumoto and Heijiro Hayami

Two-Dimensional Sequency Filters

Authors: Henning F. Harmuth, Harry C. Andrews, Kosho Shibata

New Alphagraphic Printer GRAPHTYPER

Authors: Nobuhiro Azuma and Kazunori Konishi

An Audio Response Unit Based on Partial Autocorrelation

Authors: Fumitada Itakura, Shuzo Saito, Tsunehiko Koike, Hiroshi Sawabe, Masaaki Nishikawa

Large-Capacity Magnetic-Drum Memory System for an Electronic Switching System

Authors: Akira Kawamata, Hideyoshi Tominaga, Kazushi Onose, Yuzi Arai

Cable Communications in Japan

Author: Denroku Kumagai

Satellite Communications in Japan

Author: Toshio Kurimura

Characteristics of an Experimental Guided Millimeter-Wave Transmission System

Authors: Kazuhiro Miyauchi, Kazuo Izumi, Seizo Seki, Noriaki Ishida

TTT System (50 Mbits/s PCM-TDMA System With Time Preassignment and TASI) and Its Satellite Test Results

Authors: Kunishi Nosaka, Hiroshi Sasaki, Kitsutaro Amano, Hisakichi Michishita


Author: Tonau Osatake

Optical Communications in Japan

Author: Shigebumi Saito

Data Communications in Japan

Author: Yoshimasa Sekiguchi

Recent Progress in Communication Theory in Japan

Authors: Yasuo Taki, Hiroshi Miyakawa, Minoru Akiyama

An Optical Communication System Using Envelope Modulation

Authors: Yoshito Ueno and Riichi Nagura

Carrier Synchronizer for Coherent Detection of High-Speed Four-Phase-Shift-Keyed Signals

Authors: Heiichi Yamamoto, Kenkichi Hirade, Yoshio Watanabe

Electronic Switching Systems in Japan

Authors: Masaya Yamauchi and Yukio Nakagome

Construction of Highly Accurate Segment Companding Voice Codec

Authors: Kiyohiro Yuki and Noriyoshi Kuroyanagi

Automatic Acquisition and Tracking System for Laser Communication

Authors: Toshio Motoki, Yukio Sugiura, Takao Chiba

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Communications

Minimal Negative Gate Networks

Authors: Keijiro Nakamura, Nobuki Tokura, Tadao Kasami

A Prototype Intelligent Robot that Assembles Objects from Plan Drawings

Authors: Masakazu Ejiri, Takeshi Uno, Haruo Yoda, Tatsuo Goto, Kiyoo Takeyasu

Enumeration of Ternary Threshold Functions of Three Variables

Authors: Tsunehiro Aibara and Michihiro Akagi

Sequential Permutation Networks

Author: Kazuaki Harada

Design of Optimal Switching Networks by Integer Programming

Authors: Saburo Muroga and Toshihide Ibaraki

N-Fail-Safe Sequential Machines

Authors: Tadao Takaoka and Toshihide Ibaraki

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Computers