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Highly contributed researchers in 1975

Tatsuo Ishiguro (2) / Yoichi Sato (2) / Masao Kasahara (2) / Yasuo Sugiyama (2) / Shigeichi Hirasawa (2) / Toshihiko Namekawa (2)

The Range of Logical Flexibility of Tree Networks

Authors: Akira Maruoka and Namio Honda

Easily Testable Sequential Machines with Extra Inputs

Authors: Hideo Fujiwara, Yoich Nagao, Tsutomu Sasao, Kozo Kinoshita

An Approach to the Diagnosability Analysis of a System

Authors: F. J. Allan, Tiko Kameda, Shunichi Toida

An Approach to Unsupervised Learning Classification

Authors: Riichiro Mizoguchi and Masamichi Shimura

A New Voltage to Frequency Converter

Authors: Keiji Taniguchi and Takanori Sakai

Comments on "Checking Experiments for Sequential Machines"

Authors: Y. Wakimura and Nobuaki Yoshida

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Computers

A new class of binary codes constructed on the basis of BCH codes (Corresp.)

Authors: Masao Kasahara, Yasuo Sugiyama, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Toshihiko Namekawa

Some efficient binary codes constructed using Srivastava codes (Corresp.)

Authors: Yasuo Sugiyama, Masao Kasahara, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Toshihiko Namekawa

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Inf. Theory