Highly contributed researchers in 1978
Kozo Kinoshita (5)
Toshihiko Namekawa (4) / Yoshitaka Takasaki (3) / Masao Kasahara (3) / Hiroshi Sato (3) / Tadao Kasami (3) / Hideo Fujiwara (3)
Error Probability Characteristics for CPSK Signal Through m-Distributed Fading Channel
Authors: Yoshiya Miyagaki, Norihiko Morinaga, Toshihiko Namekawa
Repeater Powering Plans for Fiber Optic Communication Systems
Author: Yoshitaka Takasaki
Performance of Binary Quantized All Digital Phase-Locked Loop with a New Class of Sequential Filter
Authors: Hisao Yamamoto and Shinsaku Mori
Submarine Coaxial Cable Pressure Characteristics
Authors: Kazuo Aida and Mamoru Aiki
The Effect of Non-Gaussian Noise on the Performance of Binary CPSK System
Authors: Takuya Koizumi, Y. Inoue, Mitsuo Ohta
Delay and Throughput Evaluation of Switching Methods in Computer Communication Networks
Authors: Hideo Miyahara, Yoshimi Teshigawara, Toshiharu Hasegawa
A 32 Mbit/s Component Separation DPCM Coding System for NTSC Color TV
Authors: Katsutoshi Sawada and Hiroshi Kotera
Notchless Bi-Level Quantizer for Facsimile and Its Effect on Coding Efficiency
Author: Takahiko Fukinuki
An Improved Method for Digital SSB-FDM Modulation and Demodulation
Authors: Rikio Maruta and Atsushi Tomozawa
LSI Processor for Digital Signal Processing and Its Application to 4800 Bit/s Modem
Authors: Kazuo Murano, Shigeyuki Unagami, Toshitaka Tsuda
Development of a TDM/FDM Transmultiplexer
Authors: Fumio Takahata, Yasuo Hirata, Akira Ogawa, Kazunori Inagaki
Simple Inductorless Automatic Line Equalizer for PCM Transmission Using New Variable Transfer Function
Author: Yoshitaka Takasaki
Digital TDM-FDM Translator with Multistage Structure
Authors: Toru Tsuda, Shuzo Morita, Yoshinobu Fujii
A 4800 Bit/s Microprocessor Data Modem
Authors: Kojiro Watanabe, Kenji Inoue, Yoichi Sato
Evaluations of Error Control Techniques in Both Independent-Error and Dependent-Error Channels
Authors: Chikato Fujiwara, Masao Kasahara, Kazumi Yamashita, Toshihiko Namekawa
Differential Pulse-Code Modulation of the Wiener Process
Author: Akira Hayashi
New Fiber Optic Analog Baseband Transmission Plan for Color TV Signals
Authors: Yoshitaka Takasaki, J. Nakagawa, M. Koya
Buried-Heterostructure Laser Packaging for Wideband Optical Transmission Systems
Authors: Minoru Maeda, Katsuyuki Nagano, Mitsuo Tanaka, Katsuaki Chiba
Viabilities of the Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing Transmission System Over an Optical Fiber Cable
Authors: Tetsuya Miki and Hideki Ishio
An Optical Fiber Video System
Authors: Tsuneo Nakahara, Hiroyuki Kumamaru, Seiichi Takeuchi
Optical Fiber System Applications Aspects in Future NTT Networks
Authors: Kunio Okura and Masayoshi Ejiri
Differential Pulse Code Modulation of Stationary Gaussian Inputs
Author: Akira Hayashi
A Subscriber Carrier System Based Upon Frame Addressing System
Author: Tadao Saito
A Note on Measures of Voice Transmission Performance Used by the CCIR
Author: Hiroshi Akima
Broad-Band Coaxial Boosted Media Employing Negative-Impedance Junctions and Amplifiers
Authors: Takeo Fukunaga, Akira Yata, Hiroyoshi Ikuno
Digital Standards Converter by Adaptive Intra-Frame Line Interpolation
Authors: Kouji Kinuhata, Hiroshi Sasaki, Hideo Yamamoto, Kitsutaro Amano
32 Mbit/s Transmission of NTSC Color TV Signals by Composite DPCM Coding
Authors: Katsutoshi Sawada and Hiroshi Kotera
Surge Propagation Characteristics on Submarine Repeatered Line
Author: Kenji Takemoto
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Communications
On Some Dynamical Properties of Finite Cellular Automaton
Authors: Masateru Harao and Shoichi Noguchi
Comments on "A Measure of Computational Work" and "Logical Network Cost and Entropy"
Author: Kenichi Mase
Connection Assignments for Probabilistically Diagnosable Systems
Authors: Hideo Fujiwara and Kozo Kinoshita
Cascade Realization of 3-Input 3-Output Conservative Logic Circuits
Authors: Tsutomu Sasao and Kozo Kinoshita
Impact of the LSI on High-Speed Computer Packaging
Author: Tsuneyo Chiba
Some Existence Theorems for Probabilistically Diagnosable Systems
Authors: Hideo Fujiwara and Kozo Kinoshita
Classification of the Keyhole Shaped Tombs by Template Matching Method
Author: Kazumasa Ozawa
Error-Correcting Parsers for Formal Languages
Authors: Eiichi Tanaka and King-sun Fu
Texture Characterization and Texture-Based Image Partitioning Using Two-Dimensional Linear Estimation Technique
Authors: Koichiro Deguchi and Iwao Morishita
A Synthesizing Method for Large Parallel Counters with a Network of Smaller Ones
Authors: Hideaki Kobayashi and Hiroyoshi Ohara
On Universal Single Transition Time Asynchronous State Assignments
Authors: Takashi Nanya and Yoshihiro Tohma
Realization of Minimum Circuits with Two-Input Conservative Logic Elements
Authors: Tsutomu Sasao and Kozo Kinoshita
Detection of Ellipses by a Modified Hough Transformation
Authors: Saburo Tsuji and Fumio Matsumoto
On the Computational Complexity of System Diagnosis
Authors: Hideo Fujiwara and Kozo Kinoshita
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Computers
Bounds on the achievable rates of block coding for a memoryless multiple-access channel
Authors: Tadao Kasami and Shu Lin
Multichannel convolutional coding systems over a direct sum of Galois fields
Authors: Hideo Murakami and Irving S. Reed
A new class of asymptotically good codes beyond the Zyablov bound
Authors: Yasuo Sugiyama, Masao Kasahara, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Toshihiko Namekawa
Optimal linear coding schemes for feedback communication with noisy side information (Corresp.)
Authors: Hideaki Sakai, Takashi Soeda, Hidekatsu Tokumaru
An outer bound to the capacity region of broadcast channels (Corresp.)
Author: Hiroshi Sato
On the capacity region of a discrete two-user channel for strong interference (Corresp.)
Author: Hiroshi Sato
Decoding of linear Delta -decodable codes for a multiple- access channel (Corresp.)
Authors: Tadao Kasami and Shu Lin
On degraded Gaussian two-user channels (Corresp.)
Author: Hiroshi Sato
An error correcting scheme for defective memory
Authors: A. V. Kuznetsov, Tadao Kasami, Saburo Yamamura
General theory of doubly periodic arrays over an arbitrary finite field and its applications
Author: Shojiro Sakata
Error statistics and construction of error correcting codes for differentially encoded CPSK channels (Corresp.)
Authors: Makoto Tatebayashi, Masao Kasahara, Toshihiko Namekawa
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Inf. Theory