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Highly contributed researchers in 1978

Kozo Kinoshita (5)

Toshihiko Namekawa (4) / Yoshitaka Takasaki (3) / Masao Kasahara (3) / Hiroshi Sato (3) / Tadao Kasami (3) / Hideo Fujiwara (3)

Error Probability Characteristics for CPSK Signal Through m-Distributed Fading Channel

Authors: Yoshiya Miyagaki, Norihiko Morinaga, Toshihiko Namekawa

Submarine Coaxial Cable Pressure Characteristics

Authors: Kazuo Aida and Mamoru Aiki

Delay and Throughput Evaluation of Switching Methods in Computer Communication Networks

Authors: Hideo Miyahara, Yoshimi Teshigawara, Toshiharu Hasegawa

LSI Processor for Digital Signal Processing and Its Application to 4800 Bit/s Modem

Authors: Kazuo Murano, Shigeyuki Unagami, Toshitaka Tsuda

Development of a TDM/FDM Transmultiplexer

Authors: Fumio Takahata, Yasuo Hirata, Akira Ogawa, Kazunori Inagaki

Digital TDM-FDM Translator with Multistage Structure

Authors: Toru Tsuda, Shuzo Morita, Yoshinobu Fujii

A 4800 Bit/s Microprocessor Data Modem

Authors: Kojiro Watanabe, Kenji Inoue, Yoichi Sato

Evaluations of Error Control Techniques in Both Independent-Error and Dependent-Error Channels

Authors: Chikato Fujiwara, Masao Kasahara, Kazumi Yamashita, Toshihiko Namekawa

New Fiber Optic Analog Baseband Transmission Plan for Color TV Signals

Authors: Yoshitaka Takasaki, J. Nakagawa, M. Koya

Buried-Heterostructure Laser Packaging for Wideband Optical Transmission Systems

Authors: Minoru Maeda, Katsuyuki Nagano, Mitsuo Tanaka, Katsuaki Chiba

An Optical Fiber Video System

Authors: Tsuneo Nakahara, Hiroyuki Kumamaru, Seiichi Takeuchi

Digital Standards Converter by Adaptive Intra-Frame Line Interpolation

Authors: Kouji Kinuhata, Hiroshi Sasaki, Hideo Yamamoto, Kitsutaro Amano

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Communications

On Some Dynamical Properties of Finite Cellular Automaton

Authors: Masateru Harao and Shoichi Noguchi

Error-Correcting Parsers for Formal Languages

Authors: Eiichi Tanaka and King-sun Fu

Detection of Ellipses by a Modified Hough Transformation

Authors: Saburo Tsuji and Fumio Matsumoto

On the Computational Complexity of System Diagnosis

Authors: Hideo Fujiwara and Kozo Kinoshita

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Computers