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Highly contributed researchers in 1987

Yoshiaki Tadokoro (3)

Network operations and performance

Authors: Lars Ackzell, Hiromichi Mori, Shin'ichi Koike

Services and customers equipment

Authors: John M. Griffiths and Sadahiko Kano

The impact of new technologies on subscriber loop networks

Authors: Ralph W. Wyndrum Jr. and Yukou Mochida

Development of fiber-optic broadband interactive distribution network

Authors: Jun Yamagata, Etugo Yoneda, Shimpei Nakajima, Takahiko Hisaki, Yahei Koyamada

Optical switching device technologies

Authors: Mitsuhito Sakaguchi and Kazuhisa Kaede

Overview of optical switching technologies in Japan

Authors: Tadahiko Yasui and Hirokazu Goto

Premises radio systems in Japan

Authors: Hisakuni Nogami and Masayoshi Wakao

Current subscriber radio and recent trends

Authors: Osamu Kurita and Teruaki Yoshida

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Communications Magazine

A Synchronous DS4 Multiplexer with Cross-Connect Function

Authors: Ikuo Tokizawa, Hiromi Ueda, Hisao Tsuji

Multilevel QAM Modulation Techniques for Digital Microwave Radios

Authors: Yoshimasa Daido, Sadao Takenaka, Eisuke Fukuda, Toshiaki Sakane, Hiroshi Nakamura

Guest Editorial

Authors: John Chen-Yuan Huang, Kenji Kohiyama, Alain Leclert, Frans Siebelink

Digitalized Cross-Polarization Interference Canceller for Multilevel Digital Radio

Authors: Hideaki Matsue, Hiroyuki Ohtsuka, Takehiro Murase

256 QAM Modem for Multicarrier 400 Mbit/s Digital Radio

Authors: Yasuhisa Nakamura, Yoichi Saito, Satoru Aikawa

An Adaptive Multiple Beam System Concept

Authors: Shunichiro Egami and Makoto Kawai

A PSK Group Modem for Satellite Communications

Authors: Fumio Takahata, Masayuki Yasunaga, Yasuo Hirata, Tomoki Ohsawa, Junji Namiki

Coding for Satellite Communication

Authors: William W. Wu, David Haccoun, Robert E. Peile, Yasuo Hirata

Guest Editorial: Portable and Mobile Communications

Authors: Donald C. Cox, Kenkichi Hirade, Samy A. Mahmoud

Guest Editorial: Low Bit-Rate Coding of Moving Images

Authors: Barry G. Haskell, Don E. Pearson, Hideo Yamamoto

Broadband Switching System Architecture

Authors: Kazuhiro Hiraide, Shinpei Nakajima, Tadahiko Yasui

High-Speed Packet Switching Systems for Multimedia Communications

Authors: Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Makoto Aoki, Tohru Uchiyama

High-Speed Time Division Switching Technique for Broadband ISDN

Authors: Koso Murakami, Masafumi Katoh, Yuji Kato

Integrated Services Packet Network Using Bus Matrix Switch

Authors: Satoshi Nojima, Eiichi Tsutsui, Haruki Fukuda, Masamichi Hashimoto

Synchronous Composite Packet Switching-A Switching Architecture for Broadband ISDN

Authors: Takao Takeuchi, Takehiko Yamaguchi, Hiroki Niwa, Hiroshi Suzuki, Shin-ichiro Hayano

High-Speed Time Division Switch for 32-Mbit/s Bearer Rate Signals

Authors: Naoaki Yamanaka, Hiroshi Miyanaga, Yousuke Yamamoto

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE J. Sel. Areas Communications

A CCITT standard 32 kbit/s ADPCM LSI codec

Authors: Takao Nishitani, Ichiro Kuroda, Masao Satoh, Tadaharu Katoh, Yasuo Aoki

Hardware for image rotation by twice skew transformations

Authors: Nuio Tsuchida, Yoji Yamada, Minoru Ueda

Canonical pipelining of lattice filters

Authors: Hidenori Kimura and T. Osada

Analysis of speech signals of short pitch period by a sample-selective linear prediction

Authors: Yoshiaki Miyoshi, Kazuharu Yamato, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Masuzo Yanagida, Osamu Kakusho

Notch Fourier transform

Authors: Yoshiaki Tadokoro and Kenichi Abe

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Acoust. Speech Signal Processing

Maximum Likelihood Identification of a Posture Control System

Authors: Akimasa Ishida and Shinji Miyazaki

Detection and Analysis of Cranial Bruit

Authors: Yukio Kosugi, Jun Ikebe, Shoji Hara, Kintomo Takakura

Spectral Broadening in Ultrasonic Doppler Flowmeters Due to Unsteady Flow

Authors: Sho Kikkawa, Takami Yamaguchi, Kazuo Tanishita, Motoaki Sugawara

A Left Ventricular Function Analyzer and Its Application

Authors: Kazuo Toraichi, Kazuki Katagishi, Ryoichi Mori

Electric Dipole Tracing in the Brain by Means of the Boundary Element Method and Its Accuracy

Authors: Bin He, Toshimitsu Musha, Yoshiwo Okamoto, Saburo Homma, Yoshio Nakajima, Toshio Sato

The Effects of Distant Cardiac Electrical Events on Local Activation in Unipolar Epicardial Electrograms

Authors: Susan M. Blanchard, Ralph J. Damiano Jr., Tetsuo Asano, William M. Smith, Raymond E. Ideker, James E. Lowe

Laser Doppler Technique for Absolute Measurement of Blood Speed in Retinal Vessels

Authors: Gilbert T. Feke, Douglas G. Goger, Hiroshi Tagawa, Francois C. Delori

The EMG-Force Model of Electrically Stimulated Muscle: Dependence on Control Strategy and Predominant Fiber Composition

Authors: Moshe Solomonow, Richard V. Baratta, Bing-He Zhou, Hiromu Shoji, Robert D. D'Ambrosia

A Simulation Study of Intracranial Pressure Increment Using an Electrical Circuit Model of Cerebral Circulation

Authors: Tadashi Takemae, Yukio Kosugi, Jun Ikebe, Yoriyoshi Kumagai, Kiyoshi Matsuyama, Haruo Saito

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Biomedical Eng.

Correction to "Throughput Analysis for Persistent CSMA Systems"

Authors: Hideaki Takagi and Leonard Kleinrock

An Algorithm for an Adaptive Multifrequency Receiver

Authors: Yoshiaki Tadokoro, Kenichi Abe, Kamisetty Ramamohan Rao

Configuration and Characteristics of a Fiber-Optic Video Distribution System

Authors: Ryozo Kishimoto, Kazunori Ariki, Shigeru Tsuyuki, Tokuhiro Kitami

15/30 Mbit/s Universal Digital TV Codec Using a Median Adaptive Predictive Coding Method

Authors: Hitomi Murakami, Shuichi Matsumoto, Yoshinori Hatori, Hideo Yamamoto

Movement-Compensated Frame-Frequency Conversion of Television Signals

Authors: Hirohisa Yamaguchi, Takehiko Sugi, Kouji Kinuhata

A Novel Anti-Multipath Modulation Technique DSK

Authors: Sirikiat Lek Ariyavisitakul, Susumu Yoshida, Fumio Ikegami, Tsutomu Takeuchi

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Communications

Load frequency control incorporating time delay

Authors: Kenji Okada, Goro Shirai, Ruyichi Yokoyama

Scanning the issue

Authors: Leon O. Chua, Rabinder N. Madan, Takashi Matsumoto

Panoramic views of strange attractors

Authors: Leon O. Chua and Tsutomu Sugawara

Chaos in electronic circuits

Author: Takashi Matsumoto

VLSI processor for image processing

Authors: Masamichi Sugai, Akira Kanuma, Kaoru Suzuki, Moritada Kubo

Integrated optics approach for advanced semiconductor lasers

Authors: Yasuharu Suematsu and Shigehisa Arai

Artificial intelligence in power system operations

Authors: Bruce F. Wollenberg and Toshiaki Sakaguchi

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: Proc. IEEE