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Highly contributed researchers in 1991

Shoichi Noguchi (5)

Tadao Kasami (4) / Toru Fujiwara (4)

Universal service creation and provision environment for intelligent network

Authors: Masanobu Fujioka, Hikaru Yagi, Yoshikazu Ikeda

A concurrent object-oriented switching program in Chill

Authors: Katsumi Maruyama, Nobuyuki Watanabe, Keiich Koyanagi, Toshihiro Kai, Shuji Tomita

Large-scale ATM multistage switching network with shared buffer memory switches

Authors: Yoshito Sakurai, Nobuhiko Ido, Shinobu Gohara, Noboru Endo

Construction aspects of intelligent buildings

Authors: Sumio Fujie and Yuji Mikami

Telecommunications aspects of intelligent buildings

Authors: Takao Kashiwamura, Hisao Koga, Yasuji Murakami

HDTV communication systems in broadband communication networks

Authors: Ryozo Kishimoto and Ichiro Yamashita

HDTV broadcasting systems

Author: Yuichi Ninomiya

Traffic control in asynchronous transfer mode

Authors: Tadanobu Okada, Hirokazu Ohnishi, Naotaka Morita

Implementation of coded modems

Authors: Shuzo Kato, Masahiro Morikura, Shuji Kubota

Multi-h phase-coded modulation

Authors: Iwao Sasase and Shinsaku Mori

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Communications Magazine

Computer-Aided Planning of SS/TDMA Network Operation

Authors: Takeshi Mizuike, Yasuhiko Ito, Lan N. Nguyen, Eijiro Maeda

Virtual Path and Link Capacity Design for ATM Networks

Authors: Youichi Sato and Ken-ichi Sato

Analysis of Interdeparture Processes for Bursty Traffic in ATM Networks

Authors: Yoshihiro Ohba, Masayuki Murata, Hideo Miyahara

An Analysis of Statistical Multiplexing in an ATM Transport Network

Authors: Hiroshi Saito, Masatoshi Kawarasaki, Hiroshi Yamada

Consideration on Three-Dimensional Visual Communication Systems

Authors: Kenji Akiyama, Nobuji Tetsutani, Morito Ishibashi, Susumu Ichinose, Hiroshi Yasuda

The Human Interface in a Multifunctional Communication Terminal

Authors: Hajime Kamata, Akihiko Obata, Motomitsu Adachi, Shuzo Morita

Pure Delay Effects on Speech Quality in Telecommunications

Authors: Nobuhiko Kitawaki and Kenzo Itoh

Forming Mental Models in Learning Operating Procedures for Terminal Equipment

Authors: Naoki Matsuo, Hiroyuki Matsui, Yukio Tokunaga

Distributed Desktop Conferencing System with Multiuser Multimedia Interface

Authors: Kazuo Watabe, Shiro Sakata, Kazutoshi Maeno, Hideyuki Fukuoka, Toyoko Ohmori

Over 10 Gb/s Regenarators Using Monolithic IC's for Lightwave Communication Systems

Authors: Kazuo Hagimoto, Yuuzou Miyagawa, Yutaka Miyamoto, Masanobu Ohhata, Tatsuhito Suzuki, Hiroyuki Kikuchi

High-Speed Si-Bipolar IC Design for Multi-GB/s Optical Receivers

Authors: Hiroshi Hamano, Takuji Yamamoto, Yoshinori Nishizawa, Akinori Tahara, Norihito Miyoshi, Kouichi Suzuki, Akihito Nishimura

A Gigabit-Rate Five-Highway GaAs OE-LSI Chipset for High-Speed Optical Interconnections Between Modules or VLSI's

Authors: Naoaki Yamanaka, Masaharu Sasaki, Shiro Kikuchi, Thoru Takada, Masao Idda

Dynamic Call Admission Control in ATM Networks

Authors: Hiroshi Saito and Kohei Shiomoto

Priority Assignment Control of ATM Line Buffers with Multiple QOS Classes

Authors: Yasushi Takagi, Shigeki Hino, Tatsuro Takahashi

Practical Implementation and Packaging Technologies for a Large-Scale ATM Switching System

Authors: Atsuo Itoh, Wataru Takahashi, Hiroshi Nagano, Masaru Kurisaka, Susumu Iwasaki

32 x 32 Shared Buffer Type ATM Switch VLSI's for B-ISDN's

Authors: Takahiko Kozaki, Noboru Endo, Yoshito Sakurai, Osamu Matsubara, Masao Mizukami, Ken'ichi Asano

A One-Chip Scalable 8 * 8 ATM Switch LSI Employing Shared Buffer Architecture

Authors: Yasuro Shobatake, Masahiko Motoyama, Emiko Shobatake, Takashi Kamitake, Shoichi Shimizu, Makoto Noda, Kenji Sakaue

B-ISDN Architecture and Protocol

Authors: Masatoshi Kawarasaki and Bijan Jabbari

A Call Admission Control Scheme for ATM Networks Using a Simple Quality Estimate

Authors: Tutomu Murase, Hiroshi Suzuki, Shohei Sato, Takao Takeuchi

A Cell Loss Recovery Method Using FEC in ATM Networks

Authors: Hiroshi Ohta and Tokuhiro Kitami

A Control-Ahead ATM Switch Architecture and Its Performance

Authors: Miki Yamamoto, Hideki Tode, Hiromi Okada, Yoshikazu Tezuka

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE J. Sel. Areas Communications

Describing head shape with surface harmonic expansions

Authors: Christopher Purcell, Takunori Mashiko, Kazumi Odaka, Keiichi Ueno

Measurements of dental cast profile and three-dimensional tooth movement during orthodontic treatment

Authors: Katsuyuki Yamamoto, Syunsuke Hayashi, Hirofumi Nishikawa, Shinji Nakamura, Tomohisa Mikami

A blind mobility aid modeled after echolocation of bats

Authors: Tohru Ifukube, Tadayuki Sasaki, Chen Peng

Perceived locus and intensity of electrocutaneous stimulation

Authors: Atsuki Higashiyama and Gary B. Rollman

New noninvasive transcutaneous approach to blood glucose monitoring: successful glucose monitoring on human 75 g OGTT with novel sampling chamber

Authors: Shinsuke Kayashima, Tsunenori Arai, Makoto Kikuchi, Noriharu Sato, Naokazu Nagata, Osamu Takatani, Narushi Ito, Jun Kimura, Toshihide Kuriyama, Aiko Kaneyoshi

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Biomedical Eng.

Encoding and decoding in the 6-MHz NTSC-compatible widescreen television system

Authors: Shuji Inoue, Sadashi Kageyama, Hideyo Uwabata, Yoshio Yasumoto

A study on perfect reconstructive subband coding

Authors: Kazunari Irie and Ryozo Kishimoto

A real-time HDTV signal processor: HD-VSP

Authors: Ichiro Tamitani, Hidenobu Harasaki, Takao Nishitani

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Circuits Systems Video Technol.

Block division carrier slot setting for satellite SCPC systems

Authors: Hiroyuki Yashima, Iwao Sasase, Shinsaku Mori

Burst scheduling algorithms for SS/TDMA systems

Authors: Takeshi Mizuike, Yasuhiko Ito, David J. Kennedy, Lan N. Nguyen

A hybrid ARQ scheme with adaptive forward error correction for satellite communications

Authors: Akira Shiozaki, Kiyoshi Okuno, Katsufumi Suzuki, Tetsuro Segawa

Performance analysis of a combined random-reservation access scheme

Authors: Xiangyi Wang, Jaidev Kaniyil, Yoshikuni Onozato, Jin Liu, Shigeru Shimamoto, Shoichi Noguchi

Fade-durations derived from land-mobile-satellite measurements in Australia

Authors: Yoshihiro Hase, Wolfhard J. Vogel, Julius Goldhirsh

Multiprocessor DSP with multistage switching network for video coding

Authors: Yasuyuki Okumura, Kazunari Irie, Ryozo Kishimoto

Partial-response decoding of rate 1/2 modulation codes for digital storage

Authors: Jan W. M. Bergmans, Seiichi Mita, Morishi Izumita, Nobukazu Doi

Input buffer limiting: behavior analysis of a node throughout the range of blocking probabilities

Authors: Jaidev Kaniyil, Yoshikuni Onozato, Ken Katayama, Shoichi Noguchi

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Communications

Performance analysis of disk allocation method using error-correcting codes

Authors: Toru Fujiwara, Minoru Ito, Tadao Kasami, Mitsuteru Kataoka, Jun Okui

Multiple unidirectional byte error-correcting codes

Authors: Yuichi Saitoh and Hideki Imai

On multilevel block modulation codes

Authors: Tadao Kasami, Toyoo Takata, Toru Fujiwara, Shu Lin

Information capacity of the stationary Gaussian channel

Authors: Charles R. Baker and Shunsuke Ihara

A new implementation of the Ziv-Lempel incremental parsing algorithm

Authors: Tsutomu Kawabata and Hirosuke Yamamoto

A class of distortionless codes designed by Bayes decision theory

Authors: Toshiyasu Matsushima, Hiroshige Inazumi, Shigeichi Hirasawa

A new asymptotically optimal code for the positive integers

Authors: Hirosuke Yamamoto and Hiroshi Ochi

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Inf. Theory

An LSI implementation of generalized transversal filters

Authors: Shogo Nakamura, Yukio Kadowaki, Shigeki Matsuoka

Active power minimization of a sound source in a reverberant closed space

Authors: Mikio Tohyama, Akira Suzuki, Kiyoshi Sugiyama

A system identification algorithm using orthogonal functions

Authors: Hctor Manuel Prez Meana and Shigeo Tsujii

LVQ-based shift-tolerant phoneme recognition

Authors: Erik McDermott and Shigeru Katagiri

A fast parallel form IIR adaptive filter algorithm

Authors: Hctor Manuel Prez Meana and Shigeo Tsujii

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Signal Processing

ISDN standardization

Authors: Sadahiko Kano, Ken'Ichi Kitami, Masatoshi Kawarasaki

Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 synthetic aperture radar

Authors: Yoshiaki Nemoto, Hideo Nishino, Makoto Ono, Hitoshi Mizutamari, Katsuhiko Nishikawa, Kaoru Tanaka

Amorphous alloy core distribution transformers

Authors: Harry W. Ng, Ryusuke Hasegawa, Albert C. Lee, Larry A. Lowdermilk

This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: Proc. IEEE