Highly contributed researchers
In recent 10 years: Masahiro Yukawa (10) / Yuichi Tanaka (10)
Isao Yamada (8) / Shunsuke Ono (6) / Akira Sano (5)
Since 1985: Isao Yamada (25)
Masahiro Yukawa (17) / Hideaki Sakai (13) / Akira Sano (11) / Masaaki Ikehara (10) / Takao Hinamoto (10) / Yuichi Tanaka (10)
Geometrically-Regularized Fast Independent Vector Extraction by Pure Majorization-Minimization
Authors: Rintaro Ikeshita and Tomohiro Nakatani
Ordinary Differential Equation-Based MIMO Signal Detection
Authors: Ayano Nakai-Kasai and Tadashi Wadayama
Sparse Modeling for Spectrometer Based on Band Measurement
Authors: Kyoya Uemura, Tomoyuki Obuchi, Toshiyuki Tanaka
Robust Online Multiuser Detection: A Hybrid Model-Data Driven Approach
Authors: Daniyal Amir Awan, Renato Lus Garrido Cavalcante, Masahiro Yukawa, Slawomir Stanczak
Graph Signal Sampling Under Stochastic Priors
Authors: Junya Hara, Yuichi Tanaka, Yonina C. Eldar
Variable-Wise Diagonal Preconditioning for Primal-Dual Splitting: Design and Applications
Authors: Kazuki Naganuma and Shunsuke Ono
Compressed Sensing Radar Detectors Under the Row-Orthogonal Design Model: A Statistical Mechanics Perspective
Authors: Siqi Na, Tianyao Huang, Yimin Liu, Takashi Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Kabashima, Xiqin Wang
Super-Resolution With Binary Priors: Theory and Algorithms
Authors: Pulak Sarangi, Ryoma Hattori, Takaki Komiyama, Piya Pal
Sparse Stable Outlier-Robust Signal Recovery Under Gaussian Noise
Authors: Kyohei Suzuki and Masahiro Yukawa
Event-Triggered Approximate Byzantine Consensus With Multi-Hop Communication
Authors: Liwei Yuan and Hideaki Ishii
Linearly-Involved Moreau-Enhanced-Over-Subspace Model: Debiased Sparse Modeling and Stable Outlier-Robust Regression
Authors: Masahiro Yukawa, Hiroyuki Kaneko, Kyohei Suzuki, Isao Yamada
A Unified Framework for Solving a General Class of Nonconvexly Regularized Convex Models
Authors: Yi Zhang and Isao Yamada
Exact Short-Time Identification of Rational or Polynomial Exponent Signals
Author: Shigeru Ando
Asymptotic Performance Prediction for ADMM-Based Compressed Sensing
Author: Ryo Hayakawa
Robust Self-Tuning Semiparametric PCA for Contaminated Elliptical Distribution
Authors: Hung Hung, Su-Yun Huang, Shinto Eguchi
Block-Sparse Recovery With Optimal Block Partition
Authors: Hiroki Kuroda and Daichi Kitahara
Statistical-Mechanical Analysis of Adaptive Filter With Clipping Saturation-Type Nonlinearity
Author: Seiji Miyoshi
Graph Signal Restoration Using Nested Deep Algorithm Unrolling
Authors: Masatoshi Nagahama, Koki Yamada, Yuichi Tanaka, Stanley H. Chan, Yonina C. Eldar
Data-Driven Sensor Selection Method Based on Proximal Optimization for High-Dimensional Data With Correlated Measurement Noise
Authors: Takayuki Nagata, Keigo Yamada, Taku Nonomura, Kumi Nakai, Yuji Saito, Shunsuke Ono
Nondominated-Solution-Based Multi-Objective Greedy Sensor Selection for Optimal Design of Experiments
Authors: Kumi Nakai, Yasuo Sasaki, Takayuki Nagata, Keigo Yamada, Yuji Saito, Taku Nonomura
Region-Restricted Sensor Placement Based on Gaussian Process for Sound Field Estimation
Authors: Tomoya Nishida, Natsuki Ueno, Shoichi Koyama, Hiroshi Saruwatari
Target Detection Within Nonhomogeneous Clutter Via Total Bregman Divergence-Based Matrix Information Geometry Detectors
Authors: Xiaoqiang Hua, Yusuke Ono, Linyu Peng, Yongqiang Cheng, Hongqiang Wang
Block Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Auxiliary-Function-Based Independent Vector Extraction
Authors: Rintaro Ikeshita, Tomohiro Nakatani, Shoko Araki
Epigraphical Relaxation for Minimizing Layered Mixed Norms
Authors: Seisuke Kyochi, Shunsuke Ono, Ivan W. Selesnick
Robust Recovery of Jointly-Sparse Signals Using Minimax Concave Loss Function
Authors: Kyohei Suzuki and Masahiro Yukawa
Directionally Weighted Wave Field Estimation Exploiting Prior Information on Source Direction
Authors: Natsuki Ueno, Shoichi Koyama, Hiroshi Saruwatari
Brain Decoding of Viewed Image Categories via Semi-Supervised Multi-View Bayesian Generative Model
Authors: Yusuke Akamatsu, Ryosuke Harakawa, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama
Frequency-Domain Prony Method for Autoregressive Model Identification and Sinusoidal Parameter Estimation
Author: Shigeru Ando
Fast Graph Sampling Set Selection Using Gershgorin Disc Alignment
Authors: Yuanchao Bai, Fen Wang, Gene Cheung, Yuji Nakatsukasa, Wen Gao
Asymptotic Performance of Discrete-Valued Vector Reconstruction via Box-Constrained Optimization With Sum of $\ell _{1}$ Regularizers
Authors: Ryo Hayakawa and Kazunori Hayashi
Data-Driven Structured Noise Filtering via Common Dynamics Estimation
Authors: Ivan Markovsky, Tianxiang Liu, Akiko Takeda
A Spatial-Temporal Subspace-Based Compressive Channel Estimation Technique in Unknown Interference MIMO Channels
Authors: Yasuhiro Takano, Hsuan-Jung Su, Yoshiaki Shiraishi, Masakatu Morii
Generalized Sampling on Graphs With Subspace and Smoothness Priors
Authors: Yuichi Tanaka and Yonina C. Eldar
Privacy-Preserving Distributed Machine Learning via Local Randomization and ADMM Perturbation
Authors: Xin Wang, Hideaki Ishii, Linkang Du, Peng Cheng, Jiming Chen
Subspace-Based Near-Field Source Localization in Unknown Spatially Nonuniform Noise Environment
Authors: Weiliang Zuo, Jingmin Xin, Nanning Zheng, Hiromitsu Ohmori, Akira Sano
Beam Squint and Channel Estimation for Wideband mmWave Massive MIMO-OFDM Systems
Authors: Bolei Wang, Mengnan Jian, Feifei Gao, Geoffrey Ye Li, Hai Lin
Hypercomplex Tensor Completion via Convex Optimization
Authors: Takehiko Mizoguchi and Isao Yamada
Hypercomplex Widely Linear Estimation Through the Lens of Underpinning Geometry
Authors: Tohru Nitta, Masaki Kobayashi, Danilo P. Mandic
Trainable ISTA for Sparse Signal Recovery
Authors: Daisuke Ito, Satoshi Takabe, Tadashi Wadayama
Eigendecomposition-Free Sampling Set Selection for Graph Signals
Authors: Akie Sakiyama, Yuichi Tanaka, Toshihisa Tanaka, Antonio Ortega
Projection-Based Regularized Dual Averaging for Stochastic Optimization
Authors: Asahi Ushio and Masahiro Yukawa
Two-Channel Critically Sampled Graph Filter Banks With Spectral Domain Sampling
Authors: Akie Sakiyama, Kana Watanabe, Yuichi Tanaka, Antonio Ortega
Localization of Near-Field Sources Based on Linear Prediction and Oblique Projection Operator
Authors: Weiliang Zuo, Jingmin Xin, Wenyi Liu, Nanning Zheng, Hiromitsu Ohmori, Akira Sano
Discreteness-Aware Approximate Message Passing for Discrete-Valued Vector Reconstruction
Authors: Ryo Hayakawa and Kazunori Hayashi
Exploiting Sparsity in Tight-Dimensional Spaces for Piecewise Continuous Signal Recovery
Authors: Hiroki Kuroda, Masao Yamagishi, Isao Yamada
Time-Series Filtering for Replicated Observations via a Kernel Approximate Bayesian Computation
Authors: Takanori Hasegawa, Kaname Kojima, Yosuke Kawai, Masao Nagasaki
Distributed Adaptive Learning With Multiple Kernels in Diffusion Networks
Authors: Ban-Sok Shin, Masahiro Yukawa, Renato Lus Garrido Cavalcante, Armin Dekorsy
Subspace-Based Localization of Far-Field and Near-Field Signals Without Eigendecomposition
Authors: Weiliang Zuo, Jingmin Xin, Nanning Zheng, Akira Sano
Online Nonlinear Estimation via Iterative L2-Space Projections: Reproducing Kernel of Subspace
Authors: Motoya Ohnishi and Masahiro Yukawa
Spectral Domain Sampling of Graph Signals
Author: Yuichi Tanaka
Spatial- and Frequency-Wideband Effects in Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems
Authors: Bolei Wang, Feifei Gao, Shi Jin, Hai Lin, Geoffrey Ye Li
Sparse Representation Using Multidimensional Mixed-Norm Penalty With Application to Sound Field Decomposition
Authors: Naoki Murata, Shoichi Koyama, Norihiro Takamune, Hiroshi Saruwatari
Single-RF Index Shift Keying Aided Differential Space-Time Block Coding
Authors: Chao Xu, Rakshith Rajashekar, Naoki Ishikawa, Shinya Sugiura, Lajos Hanzo
Fast Singular Value Shrinkage With Chebyshev Polynomial Approximation Based on Signal Sparsity
Authors: Masaki Onuki, Shunsuke Ono, Keiichiro Shirai, Yuichi Tanaka
Multiuser Detection Based on MAP Estimation With Sum-of-Absolute-Values Relaxation
Authors: Hampei Sasahara, Kazunori Hayashi, Masaaki Nagahara
Pilot-Symbol-Assisted Phase Noise Compensation With Forward-Backward Wiener Smoothing Filters
Authors: Norifumi Kamiya and Eisaku Sasaki
The Alpha-HMM Estimation Algorithm: Prior Cycle Guides Fast Paths
Author: Yasuo Matsuyama
Closed-Form and Near Closed-Form Solutions for TDOA-Based Joint Source and Sensor Localization
Authors: Trung-Kien Le and Nobutaka Ono
Multidimensional Nonseparable Oversampled Lapped Transforms: Theory and Design
Authors: Shogo Muramatsu, Kosuke Furuya, Naotaka Yuki
Robust Multilinear Tensor Rank Estimation Using Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition and Information Criteria
Authors: Tatsuya Yokota, Namgil Lee, Andrzej Cichocki
Optimally Modulated Illumination for Rapid and Accurate Time Synchronization
Authors: Masanori Sugimoto, Hayato Kumaki, Takayuki Akiyama, Hiromichi Hashizume
Perfect Recovery Conditions for Non-negative Sparse Modeling
Authors: Yuki Itoh, Marco F. Duarte, Mario Parente
Smooth PARAFAC Decomposition for Tensor Completion
Authors: Tatsuya Yokota, Qibin Zhao, Andrzej Cichocki
Closed-Form and Near Closed-Form Solutions for TOA-Based Joint Source and Sensor Localization
Authors: Trung-Kien Le and Nobutaka Ono
Efficient Dictionary-Refining Kernel Adaptive Filter With Fundamental Insights
Authors: Masa-aki Takizawa and Masahiro Yukawa
Oblique Projection Based Enumeration of Mixed Noncoherent and Coherent Narrowband Signals
Authors: Hao Tao, Jingmin Xin, Jiasong Wang, Nanning Zheng, Akira Sano
Algebraic Phase Unwrapping Based on Two-Dimensional Spline Smoothing Over Triangles
Authors: Daichi Kitahara and Isao Yamada
Minimum Proper Loss Estimators for Parametric Models
Authors: Matthew J. Holland and Kazushi Ikeda
Signal Recovery With Certain Involved Convex Data-Fidelity Constraints
Authors: Shunsuke Ono and Isao Yamada
Adaptive Learning in Cartesian Product of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
Author: Masahiro Yukawa
Adaptive Nonlinear Estimation Based on Parallel Projection Along Affine Subspaces in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
Authors: Masa-aki Takizawa and Masahiro Yukawa
Estimation of Spatially Correlated Random Fields in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Ido Nevat, Gareth W. Peters, Franois Septier, Tomoko Matsui
Cross-Correlation-Based, Phase-Domain Spectrum Sensing With Low-Cost Software-Defined Radio Receivers
Authors: Masaki Kitsunezuka and Kristofer S. J. Pister
Convergence Constrained Multiuser Transmitter-Receiver Optimization in Single-Carrier FDMA
Authors: Valtteri Tervo, Antti Tlli, Juha Karjalainen, Tadashi Matsumoto
An Approach to Time-Frequency Analysis With Ridges of the Continuous Chirplet Transform
Authors: Mikio Aoi, Kyle Q. Lepage, Yoonseob Lim, Uri T. Eden, Timothy J. Gardner
Hierarchical Convex Optimization With Primal-Dual Splitting
Authors: Shunsuke Ono and Isao Yamada
Two-Dimensional Direction Estimation for a Mixture of Noncoherent and Coherent Signals
Authors: Hao Tao, Jingmin Xin, Jiasong Wang, Nanning Zheng, Akira Sano
Tangent-Bundle Maps on the Grassmann Manifold: Application to Empirical Arithmetic Averaging
Authors: Simone G. O. Fiori, Tetsuya Kaneko, Toshihisa Tanaka
An MDL Algorithm for Detecting More Sources Than Sensors Using Outer-Products of Array Output
Authors: Qi Cheng, Piya Pal, Masashi Tsuji, Yingbo Hua
Oversampled Graph Laplacian Matrix for Graph Filter Banks
Authors: Akie Sakiyama and Yuichi Tanaka
Nonparametric Spectral Estimation of Phase Noise in Modulated Signals Based on Complementary Autocorrelation
Author: Koji Harada
M-Channel Oversampled Graph Filter Banks
Authors: Yuichi Tanaka and Akie Sakiyama
General Factorization of Conjugate-Symmetric Hadamard Transforms
Authors: Seisuke Kyochi and Yuichi Tanaka
Bayesian Group-Sparse Modeling and Variational Inference
Authors: S. Derin Babacan, Shinichi Nakajima, Minh N. Do
A Markov Chain Channel Model for Active Transport Molecular Communication
Authors: Nariman Farsad, Andrew W. Eckford, Satoshi Hiyama
Phase Estimation of a Single Quasi-Periodic Signal
Authors: Yasushi Makihara, Muhammad Rasyid Aqmar, Trung Ngo Thanh, Hajime Nagahara, Ryusuke Sagawa, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Yasushi Yagi
An Algebraic Translation of Cayley-Dickson Linear Systems and Its Applications to Online Learning
Authors: Takehiko Mizoguchi and Isao Yamada
Jointly Optimal High-Order Error Feedback and Realization for Roundoff Noise Minimization in 1-D and 2-D State-Space Digital Filters
Authors: Takao Hinamoto, Akimitsu Doi, Wu-Sheng Lu
H∞-Optimal Fractional Delay Filters
Authors: Masaaki Nagahara and Yutaka Yamamoto
Coordinated Beamforming With Relaxed Zero Forcing: The Sequential Orthogonal Projection Combining Method and Rate Control
Authors: Juho Park, Gilwon Lee, Youngchul Sung, Masahiro Yukawa
Dual-Domain Adaptive Beamformer Under Linearly and Quadratically Constrained Minimum Variance
Authors: Masahiro Yukawa, Youngchul Sung, Gilwon Lee
Adaptive Normalized Quasi-Newton Algorithms for Extraction of Generalized Eigen-Pairs and Their Convergence Analysis
Authors: Tuan Duong Nguyen and Isao Yamada
Empirical Arithmetic Averaging Over the Compact Stiefel Manifold
Authors: Tetsuya Kaneko, Simone G. O. Fiori, Toshihisa Tanaka
Controlling Tradeoff Between Approximation Accuracy and Complexity of a Smooth Function in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space for Noise Reduction
Authors: Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Shigeki Matsuda, Chiori Hori, Hideki Kashioka
Realization of 3-D Separable-Denominator Digital Filters With Low l2-Sensitivity
Authors: Takao Hinamoto, Akimitsu Doi, Wu-Sheng Lu
Spatially Concatenated Codes With Turbo Equalization for Correlated Sources
Authors: Khoirul Anwar and Tad Matsumoto
Multikernel Adaptive Filtering
Author: Masahiro Yukawa
SIMO Channel Estimation Using Space-Time Signal Subspace Projection and Soft Information
Authors: Shu Cai, Tad Matsumoto, Kehu Yang
Measuring Distance From Single Spike Feedback Signals in Molecular Communication
Authors: Michael J. Moore, Tadashi Nakano, Akihiro Enomoto, Tatsuya Suda
Frequency Domain Min-Max Optimization of Noise-Shaping Delta-Sigma Modulators
Authors: Masaaki Nagahara and Yutaka Yamamoto
Avoidance of Singular Point in Integer Orthonormal Transform for Lossless Coding
Authors: Masahiro Iwahashi, Masanori Ogawa, Hitoshi Kiya
Subcarrier Nulling Algorithms for Channel Shortening in Uplink OFDMA Systems
Authors: Teruyuki Miyajima and Zhi Ding
Signal Reconstruction via Hinfty Sampled-Data Control Theory - Beyond the Shannon Paradigm
Authors: Yutaka Yamamoto, Masaaki Nagahara, Pramod P. Khargonekar
A New Reduced-Complexity Conditional-Mean Based MIMO Signal Detection Using Symbol Distribution Approximation Technique
Authors: Makoto Tanahashi and Hideki Ochiai
Derivation of the Class of Digital Filters With All Second-Order Modes Equal
Authors: Shunsuke Yamaki, Masahide Abe, Masayuki Kawamata
Stochastic Geometric Filter and Its Application to Shape Estimation for Target Objects
Authors: Hiroshi Saito, Sadaharu Tanaka, Shigeo Shioda
Uniqueness of Non-Gaussianity-Based Dimension Reduction
Authors: Fabian J. Theis, Motoaki Kawanabe, Klaus-Robert Mller
Computationally Efficient Subspace-Based Method for Two-Dimensional Direction Estimation With L-Shaped Array
Authors: Guangmin Wang, Jingmin Xin, Nanning Zheng, Akira Sano
Optimal Channel Training in Uplink Network MIMO Systems
Authors: Jakob Hoydis, Mari Kobayashi, Mrouane Debbah
EXIT Chart-Based Power Allocation for Iterative Frequency Domain MIMO Detector
Authors: Juha Karjalainen, Marian Codreanu, Antti Tlli, Markku J. Juntti, Tadashi Matsumoto
Subspace-Based Adaptive Method for Estimating Direction-of-Arrival With Luenberger Observer
Authors: Jingmin Xin, Nanning Zheng, Akira Sano
User selection criteria for multiuser systems with optimal and suboptimal LR based detectors
Authors: Jinho Choi and Fumiyuki Adachi
Diffusion least-mean squares with adaptive combiners: formulation and performance analysis
Authors: Noriyuki Takahashi, Isao Yamada, Ali H. Sayed
A study on invariance of f-divergence and its application to speech recognition
Authors: Yu Qiao and Nobuaki Minematsu
Kernel-induced sampling theorem
Authors: Akira Tanaka, Hideyuki Imai, Masaaki Miyakoshi
Adaptive reduced-rank constrained constant modulus algorithms based on joint iterative optimization of filters for beamforming
Authors: Lei Wang, Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Masahiro Yukawa
An algorithm to compute averages on matrix Lie groups
Authors: Simone G. O. Fiori and Toshihisa Tanaka
Adaptive constrained learning in reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces: the robust beamforming case
Authors: Konstantinos Slavakis, Sergios Theodoridis, Isao Yamada
Robust reduced-rank adaptive algorithm based on parallel subgradient projection and Krylov subspace
Authors: Masahiro Yukawa, Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Isao Yamada
An exact direct method of sinusoidal parameter estimation derived from finite Fourier integral of differential equation
Authors: Shigeru Ando and Takaaki Nara
Steady-state mean-square performance analysis of a relaxed set-membership NLMS algorithm by the energy conservation argument
Authors: Noriyuki Takahashi and Isao Yamada
Properties of FXLMS-based narrowband active noise control with online secondary-path modeling
Authors: Yegui Xiao, Liying Ma, Koji Hasegawa
Analysis and compensation of transmitter IQ imbalances in OFDMA and SC-FDMA systems
Authors: Yuki Yoshida, Kazunori Hayashi, Hideaki Sakai, Wladimir Bocquet
An adaptive projected subgradient approach to learning in diffusion networks
Authors: Renato L. G. Cavalcante, Isao Yamada, Bernard Mulgrew
A Flexible Peak-To-Average Power Ratio Reduction Scheme for OFDM Systems by the Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method
Authors: Renato L. G. Cavalcante and Isao Yamada
Stochastic MV-PURE Estimator - Robust Reduced-Rank Estimator for Stochastic Linear Model
Authors: Tomasz Piotrowski, Renato L. G. Cavalcante, Isao Yamada
Krylov-Proportionate Adaptive Filtering Techniques Not Limited to Sparse Systems
Author: Masahiro Yukawa
Full Azimuth Direction-of-Arrival Estimation With Successive-Selection Technique
Authors: Eddy Taillefer, Jun Cheng, Yoichiro Watanabe
Minimization of Frequency-Weighted l2 -Sensitivity Subject to l2 -Scaling Constraints for Two-Dimensional State-Space Digital Filters
Authors: Takao Hinamoto, Toru Oumi, Osemekhian I. Omoifo, Wu-Sheng Lu
Improved Mean-Square Error Estimate for the LMS Transversal Equalizer With Narrowband Interference
Authors: Takeshi Ikuma and Aloysius A. Beex
Non-Wiener Mean Weight Behavior of LMS Transversal Equalizers With Sinusoidal Interference
Authors: Takeshi Ikuma, Aloysius A. Beex, James R. Zeidler
MV-PURE Estimator: Minimum-Variance Pseudo-Unbiased Reduced-Rank Estimator for Linearly Constrained Ill-Conditioned Inverse Problems
Authors: Tomasz Piotrowski and Isao Yamada
Online Kernel-Based Classification Using Adaptive Projection Algorithms
Authors: Konstantinos Slavakis, Sergios Theodoridis, Isao Yamada
Multiaccess Interference Suppression in Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coded MIMO Systems by Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method
Authors: Renato L. G. Cavalcante and Isao Yamada
Chinese word segmentation and statistical machine translation
Authors: Ruiqiang Zhang, Keiji Yasuda, Eiichiro Sumita
A Recursive Recomputation Approach for Smoothing in Nonlinear State-Space Modeling: An Attempt for Reducing Space Complexity
Authors: Kazuyuki Nakamura and Takashi Tsuchiya
Deterministic Blind Channel Estimation for a Block Transmission System Using Fractional Sampling and Interpolation
Author: Hideo Murakami
Robust Wideband Beamforming by the Hybrid Steepest Descent Method
Authors: Konstantinos Slavakis and Isao Yamada
Consistent Sampling and Signal Recovery
Authors: Akira Hirabayashi and Michael Unser
Computational Improvement of the Fast Hinfinity Filter Based on Information of Input Predictor
Author: Kiyoshi Nishiyama
Cholesky Factorization With Symmetric Permutation Applied to Detecting and Precoding Spatially Multiplexed Data Streams
Authors: Katsutoshi Kusume, Michael Joham, Wolfgang Utschick, Gerhard Bauch
Exact Convergence Analysis of Adaptive Filter Algorithms Without the Persistently Exciting Condition
Authors: Hideaki Sakai, Jun-Mei Yang, Tetsuo Oka
M-Channel Nonlinear Phase Filter Banks in Image Compression: Structure, Design, and Signal Extension
Authors: Toshiyuki Uto, Tomohiro Oka, Masaaki Ikehara
Simple and Efficient Nonparametric Method for Estimating the Number of Signals Without Eigendecomposition
Authors: Jingmin Xin, Nanning Zheng, Akira Sano
Pairwise Optimal Weight Realization - Acceleration Technique for Set-Theoretic Adaptive Parallel Subgradient Projection Algorithm
Authors: Masahiro Yukawa and Isao Yamada
Roundoff Noise Minimization for 2-D State-Space Digital Filters Using Joint Optimization of Error Feedback and Realization
Authors: Takao Hinamoto, Hiroaki Ohnishi, Wu-Sheng Lu
Closed-Form Design of Generalized Maxflat$R$-Regular FIR$M$th-Band Filters Using Waveform Moments
Authors: Xi Zhang, Daisuke Kobayashi, Tatsuya Wada, Toshinori Yoshikawa, Yoshinori Takei
Performance of Single-Carrier Block Transmissions Over Multipath Fading Channels With Linear Equalization
Author: Shuichi Ohno
Statistical analysis for multiplicatively modulated nonlinear autoregressive model and its applications to electrophysiological signal analysis in humans
Authors: Hiroko Kato, Masanobu Taniguchi, Manabu Honda
A Direct Design of Oversampled Perfect Reconstruction FIR Filter Banks
Author: Toshihisa Tanaka
Design of IIR orthogonal wavelet filter banks using lifting scheme
Authors: Xi Zhang, Wei Wang, Toshinori Yoshikawa, Yoshinori Takei
L2-sensitivity minimization of one- and two-dimensional state-space digital filters subject to L2-scaling constraints
Authors: Takao Hinamoto, Ken-ichi Iwata, Wu-Sheng Lu
Practical implementation of an efficient forward-backward algorithm for an explicit-duration hidden Markov model
Authors: Shun-Zheng Yu and Hisashi Kobayashi
Sequential blind source separation based exclusively on second-order statistics developed for a class of periodic signals
Authors: Maria G. Jafari, Wenwu Wang, Jonathon A. Chambers, Tetsuya Hoya, Andrzej Cichocki
Underdetermined blind source separation based on sparse representation
Authors: Yuanqing Li, Shun-ichi Amari, Andrzej Cichocki, Daniel W. C. Ho, Shengli Xie
Robust mixed generalized H2/H∞ filtering of 2-D nonlinear fractional transformation systems
Authors: Nguyen Thien Hoang, Hoang Duong Tuan, Truong Q. Nguyen, Shigeyuki Hosoe
Efficient subspace-based algorithm for adaptive bearing estimation and tracking
Authors: Jingmin Xin and Akira Sano
Collaborative beamforming for distributed wireless ad hoc sensor networks
Authors: Hideki Ochiai, Patrick Mitran, H. Vincent Poor, Vahid Tarokh
Complex approximation of FIR digital filters by updating desired responses
Authors: Masahiro Okuda, Masahiro Yoshida, Kageyuki Kiyose, Masaaki Ikehara, Shinichi Takahashi
Performance evaluation of impulse radio UWB systems with pulse-based polarity randomization
Authors: Sinan Gezici, Hisashi Kobayashi, H. Vincent Poor, Andreas F. Molisch
Jointly optimized error-feedback and realization for roundoff noise minimization in state-space digital filters
Authors: Wu-Sheng Lu and Takao Hinamoto
Robust Super-exponential methods for deflationary blind source separation of instantaneous mixtures
Authors: Mitsuru Kawamoto, Kiyotaka Kohno, Yujiro Inouye
Generalized weighted rules for principal components tracking
Author: Toshihisa Tanaka
Multiple watermarks for stereo audio signals using phase-modulation techniques
Authors: Akira Takahashi, Ryouichi Nishimura, Yiti Suzuki
Second-order statistical approaches to channel shortening in multicarrier systems
Authors: Teruyuki Miyajima and Zhi Ding
A leaky RLS algorithm: its optimality and implementation
Authors: Eisuke Horita, Keitaro Sumiya, Hiroyuki Urakami, Satoru Mitsuishi
SVD-based design and new structures for variable fractional-delay digital filters
Authors: Tian-Bo Deng and Yuko Nakagawa
Gain-scheduled filtering for time-varying discrete systems
Authors: Nguyen Thien Hoang, Hoang Duong Tuan, Pierre Apkarian, Shigeyuki Hosoe
Design of IIR digital filters in the complex domain by transforming the desired response
Authors: Tatsuya Matsunaga, Masahiro Yoshida, Masaaki Ikehara
Super-exponential blind adaptive beamforming
Authors: Kehu Yang, Takashi Ohira, Yimin Zhang, Chong-Yung Chi
An H∞ optimization and its fast algorithm for time-variant system identification
Author: Kiyoshi Nishiyama
Multichannel blind deconvolution of nonminimum-phase systems using filter decomposition
Authors: Liqing Zhang, Andrzej Cichocki, Shun-ichi Amari
Computationally efficient subspace-based method for direction-of-arrival estimation without eigendecomposition
Authors: Jingmin Xin and Akira Sano
Performance analysis of minimum ℓ1-norm solutions for underdetermined source separation
Authors: Ichigaku Takigawa, Mineichi Kudo, Jun Toyama
The generalized lapped pseudo-biorthogonal transform: oversampled linear-phase perfect reconstruction filterbanks with lattice structures
Authors: Toshihisa Tanaka and Yukihiko Yamashita
Convergence analysis of alias-free subband adaptive filters based on a frequency domain technique
Authors: Shigeyuki Miyagi and Hideaki Sakai
Discrete wavelet transform based on cyclic convolutions
Author: Hideo Murakami
Derivative-controlled design of linear-phase FIR filters via waveform moments
Authors: Yoshinori Takei, Kouji Nagato, Toshinori Yoshikawa, Xi Zhang
Separate/joint optimization of error feedback and coordinate transformation for roundoff noise minimization in two-dimensional state-space digital filters
Authors: Takao Hinamoto, Keisuke Higashi, Wu-Sheng Lu
Invertible deinterlacing with sampling-density preservation: theory and design
Authors: Shogo Muramatsu, Takuma Ishida, Hisakazu Kikuchi
A numerically stable fast Newton-type adaptive filter based on order recursive least squares algorithm
Authors: Youhua Wang, Kazushi Ikeda, Kenji Nakayama
Performance analysis of the sign algorithm for a constrained adaptive IIR notch filter
Authors: Yegui Xiao, Rabab Kreidieh Ward, Akira Ikuta
Optimal design of IIR digital filters with robust stability using conic-quadratic-programming updates
Authors: Wu-Sheng Lu and Takao Hinamoto
Convergence analyses of stereo acoustic echo cancelers with preprocessing
Authors: Kazushi Ikeda and Ryohei Sakamoto
A technique to truncate IIR filter impulse response and its application to real-time implementation of linear-phase IIR filters
Authors: Ayuchi Kurosu, Syoichiro Miyase, Shigenori Tomiyama, Tsuyoshi Takebe
Optimal training for block transmissions over doubly selective wireless fading channels
Authors: Xiaoli Ma, Georgios B. Giannakis, Shuichi Ohno
Nested Newton's method for ICA and post factor analysis
Author: Toshinao Akuzawa
A biorthogonal transform with overlapping and non-overlapping basis functions for image coding
Authors: Toshihisa Tanaka and Yukihiko Yamashita
Hierarchical clustering and filtering in half-inverse space for MEG and/or EEG hypothesis-free analysis
Authors: Ayumu Matani, Yasushi Masuda, Hideaki Okubo, Kunihiro Chihara
L2-sensitivity analysis and minimization of 2-D separable-denominator state-space digital filters
Authors: Takao Hinamoto and Yuji Sugie
A fast convergence algorithm for sparse-tap adaptive FIR filters identifying an unknown number of dispersive regions
Authors: Akihiko Sugiyama, Shigeji Ikeda, Akihiro Hirano
Prime-length real-valued polynomial residue division algorithms
Author: Hideo Murakami
Direction finding in the presence of an intermittent interference
Authors: Olivier Besson, Petre Stoica, Yukihiro Kamiya
Efficient approximation of neural filters for removing quantum noise from images
Authors: Kenji Suzuki, Isao Horiba, Noboru Sugie
Robust mixed 𝒽2/𝒽∞ filtering of 2-D systems
Authors: Hoang Duong Tuan, Pierre Apkarian, Truong Q. Nguyen, Tatsuo Narikiyo
A class of adaptive step-size control algorithms for adaptive filters
Author: Shin'ichi Koike
An efficient robust adaptive filtering algorithm based on parallel subgradient projection techniques
Authors: Isao Yamada, Konstantinos Slavakis, Kenyu Yamada
A family of lapped regular transforms with integer coefficients
Authors: Masaaki Ikehara, Trac D. Tran, Truong Q. Nguyen
Tracking properties of a gradient-based second-order adaptive IIR notch filter with constrained poles and zeros
Authors: Yegui Xiao, Yoshihiro Takeshita, Katsunori Shida
Interferometric SAR image restoration using Monte Carlo metropolis method
Authors: Andriyan Bayu Suksmono and Akira Hirose
Stability analyses of information-theoretic blind separation algorithms in the case where the sources are nonlinear processes
Authors: Masashi Ohata and Kiyotoshi Matsuoka
Optimum sampling vectors for Wiener filter noise reduction
Author: Yukihiko Yamashita
A stereo echo canceler with correct echo-path identification based on an input-sliding technique
Authors: Akihiko Sugiyama, Yann Joncour, Akihiro Hirano
MSE-based regularization approach to direction estimation of coherent narrowband signals using linear prediction
Authors: Jingmin Xin and Akira Sano
A new class of orthonormal symmetric wavelet bases using a complex allpass filter
Authors: Xi Zhang, Akira Kato, Toshinori Yoshikawa
Reconstructions and predictions of nonlinear dynamical systems: a hierarchical Bayesian approach
Authors: Takashi Matsumoto, Yoshinori Nakajima, Motoki Saito, Junjiro Sugi, Hiroaki Hamagishi
A signal subspace-based subband approach to space-time adaptive processing for mobile communications
Authors: Kehu Yang, Yimin Zhang, Yoshihiko Mizuguchi
Generalized unequal length lapped orthogonal transform for subband image coding
Authors: Takayuki Nagai, Masaaki Ikehara, Masahide Kaneko, Akira Kurematsu
Design and factorization of FIR paraunitary filter banks given several analysis filters
Authors: Chi-Wah Kok, Masaaki Ikehara, Truong Q. Nguyen
Universal maximally flat lowpass FIR systems
Authors: Saed Samadi, Akinori Nishihara, Hiroshi Iwakura
On gradient adaptation with unit-norm constraints
Authors: Scott C. Douglas, Shun-ichi Amari, Sun-Yuan Kung
Super-exponential algorithms for multichannel blind deconvolution
Authors: Yujiro Inouye and Kazuaki Tanebe
Real-valued parallel module decomposition of maximally decimated block filter bank
Author: I. Murakami
Spectral analysis of subband adaptive digital filters
Authors: Shuichi Ohno and Hideaki Sakai
Wideband beamspace adaptive array utilizing FIR fan filters for multibeam forming
Authors: Takashi Sekiguchi and Yoshio Karasawa
Multichannel blind separation of sources algorithm based on cross-cumulant and the Levenberg-Marquardt method
Authors: Ali Mansour and Noboru Ohnishi
A robust adaptive beamformer for microphone arrays with a blocking matrix using constrained adaptive filters
Authors: Osamu Hoshuyama, Akihiko Sugiyama, Akihiro Hirano
Analysis of adaptive filters using normalized signed regressor LMS algorithm
Author: Shin'ichi Koike
Linear phase paraunitary filter bank with filters of different lengths and its application in image compression
Authors: Trac D. Tran, Masaaki Ikehara, Truong Q. Nguyen
Biorthogonal coiflets
Authors: Todor Cooklev and Akinori Nishihara
Online detection of pulse sequence in random noise using a wavelet
Authors: Akira Ohsumi, Hiroshi Ijima, T. Kuroishi
A new approach to acoustic signal monitoring based on the generalized probabilistic descent method
Authors: Hideyuki Watanabe, Yuji Matsumoto, Satoru Tanaka, Shigeru Katagiri
Design and multiplierless realization of maximally flat FIR digital Hilbert transformers
Authors: Saed Samadi, Yoshihito Igarashi, Hiroshi Iwakura
Delayless subband adaptive filtering using the Hadamard transform
Authors: Noriyuki Hirayama, Hideaki Sakai, Shigeyuki Miyagi
Iterative algorithms based on multistage criteria for multichannel blind deconvolution
Authors: Yujiro Inouye and Takehito Sato
Design of FIR Nyquist filters with low group delay
Authors: Xi Zhang and Toshinori Yoshikawa
Superefficiency in blind source separation
Author: Shun-ichi Amari
Self-whitening algorithms for adaptive equalization and deconvolution
Authors: Scott C. Douglas, Andrzej Cichocki, Shun-ichi Amari
Adaptive algorithm based on least mean p-power error criterion for Fourier analysis in additive noise
Authors: Yegui Xiao, Yoshiaki Tadokoro, Katsunori Shida
Two-dimensional perfect reconstruction FIR filter banks with triangular supports
Authors: Hua Yan and Masaaki Ikehara
An adaptive noise canceller with low signal distortion for speech codecs
Authors: Shigeji Ikeda and Akihiko Sugiyama
A design method of multidimensional linear-phase paraunitary filter banks with a lattice structure
Authors: Shogo Muramatsu, Akihiko Yamada, Hitoshi Kiya
Wavelets with convolution-type orthogonality conditions
Authors: Koichi Niijima and Koichi Kuzume
Design of IIR digital allpass filters based on eigenvalue problem
Authors: Xi Zhang and Hiroshi Iwakura
Criteria for blind deconvolution of multichannel linear time-invariant systems
Author: Yujiro Inouye
A sampling theorem for shift-invariant subspace
Authors: Wen Chen and Shuichi Itoh
Graph theoretic techniques for pruning data and their applications
Author: Tetsuya Hoya
Fast and stable least-squares approach for the design of linear phase FIR filters
Authors: Masahiro Okuda, Masaaki Ikehara, Shinichi Takahashi
Algebraic multidimensional phase unwrapping and zero distribution of complex polynomials-characterization of multivariate stable polynomials
Authors: Isao Yamada, Kaoru Kurosawa, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Kohichi Sakaniwa
Conditions for convergence of a delayless subband adaptive filter and its efficient implementation
Authors: Kiyoshi Nishikawa and Hitoshi Kiya
Robust recursive time series modeling based on an AR model excited by a t-distribution process
Authors: Junibakti Sanubari, Keiichi Tokuda, Mahoki Onoda
Blind source separation-semiparametric statistical approach
Authors: Shun-ichi Amari and Jean-Franois Cardoso
Guest Editors' Introduction: Neural Networks For Signal Processing
Authors: Anthony G. Constantinides, Simon Haykin, Yu Hen Hu, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Shigeru Katagiri, Sun-Yuan Kung, Tomaso A. Poggio
Discriminative metric design for robust pattern recognition
Authors: Hideyuki Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Shigeru Katagiri
Reconstruction of a signal using the spectrum-reversal technique
Authors: Takayuki Arai and Yuichi Yoshida
Inherent matrix identities on ARMA lattice filter realization algorithm and their application
Authors: Miki Haseyama and Hideo Kitajima
Adaptive threshold nonlinear algorithm for adaptive filters with robustness against impulse noise
Author: Shin'ichi Koike
Full-duplex fast estimation of echo and channel responses in the presence of frequency offsets in both far echo and far signal
Authors: Weiping Li, Xixian Chen, Yi Wang, Nobuhiro Miki
Extended overlap-add and -save methods for multirate signal processing
Authors: Shogo Muramatsu and Hitoshi Kiya
Design of linear phase M-channel perfect reconstruction FIR filter banks
Authors: Takayuki Nagai, Takaaki Fuchie, Masaaki Ikehara
A new method of nonstationary time series analysis based on inhomogeneous AR equation
Authors: Yukiko Yokoyama, Mineo Kumazawa, Yuichi Imanishi, Naoki Mikami
A nonlinear adaptive estimation method based on local approximation
Authors: Youji Iiguni, Isao Kawamoto, Norihiko Adachi
Cumulant-based blind identification of linear multi-input-multi-output systems driven by colored inputs
Authors: Yujiro Inouye and Kazumasa Hirano
Block sampling rate conversion systems using real-valued fast cyclic convolution algorithms
Author: Hideo Murakami
A nonlinear filter for estimating a sinusoidal signal and its parameters in white noise: on the case of a single sinusoid
Author: Kiyoshi Nishiyama
Correction to "Multiresolution Representations Using the Autocorrelation Functions of Compactly Supported Wavelets" [Correspondencd]
Authors: Naoki Saito and Gregory Beylkin
Pattern recognition using discriminative feature extraction
Authors: Alain Biem, Shigeru Katagiri, Biing-Hwang Juang
A realization method of an ARMAX lattice filter
Authors: Miki Haseyama and Hideo Kitajima
Optimization of filter banks using cyclostationary spectral analysis
Authors: Shuichi Ohno and Hideaki Sakai
A simple estimator for frequency and decay rate
Authors: Makoto Tabei and Bruce R. Musicus
Design of IIR digital filters based on eigenvalue problem
Authors: Xi Zhang and Hiroshi Iwakura
An efficient approach for the synthesis of 2-D recursive fan filters using 1-D prototypes
Authors: Wei-Ping Zhu and Shogo Nakamura
Relative Karhunen-Love transform
Authors: Yukihiko Yamashita and Hidemitsu Ogawa
Convergence analysis of a data echo canceller with a stochastic gradient adaptive FIR filter using the sign algorithm
Author: Shin'ichi Koike
Sampling rate conversion systems using a new generalized form of the discrete Fourier transform
Author: Hideo Murakami
Macro pipelining based scheduling on high performance heterogeneous multiprocessor systems
Authors: Sati Banerjee, Takeo Hamada, Paul M. Chau, Ronald D. Fellman
On-line spectral estimation of nonstationary time series based on AR model parameter estimation and order selection with a forgetting factor
Authors: Satoru Goto, Masatoshi Nakamura, Katsuji Uosaki
A smooth signal generator based on quadratic B-spline functions
Authors: Masaru Kamada, Kazuo Toraichi, Rudolf E. Kalman
Delayed block transfer function in the frequency domain
Authors: Hiroshi Kanai, Toyohiko Hori, Noriyoshi Chubachi, Takahiko Ono
A geometric algorithm finding set of linear decision boundaries
Authors: Yoshihiro Takada, Xinhua Zhuang, Hisashi Wakita
A multidimensional isomorphic operator and its properties-a proposal of finite-extent multidimensional cepstrum
Authors: Isao Yamada, Kohichi Sakaniwa, Shigeo Tsujii
Reformulation of linearly constrained adaptation and its application to blind equalization
Authors: Ken Yamazaki and Rodney A. Kennedy
A resolution-controllable harmonical retrieval approach on the Chrestenson discrete space
Authors: Mingyong Zhou, Zhongkan Liu, Hiromitsu Hama
Recursive least-squares algorithms of modified Gram-Schmidt type for parallel weight extraction
Author: Hideaki Sakai
A time-frequency distribution of Cohen's class with a compound kernel and its application to speech signal processing
Authors: Bilin Zhang and Shunsuke Sato
Signal reconstruction from modified auditory wavelet transform
Authors: Toshio Irino and Hideki Kawahara
Hybrid picture coding with wavelet transform and overlapped motion-compensated interframe prediction coding
Authors: Mutsumi Ohta and Satoshi Nogaki
Multiresolution representations using the autocorrelation functions of compactly supported wavelets
Authors: Naoki Saito and Gregory Beylkin
Waveform-preserving blind estimation of multiple independent sources
Authors: Lang Tong, Yujiro Inouye, Ruey-Wen Liu
An adaptive ARMA four-line lattice filter for spectral estimation with frequency weighting
Authors: Miki Haseyama, Nobuo Nagai, Nobuhiro Miki
Observation noise and zero loci of the time series model
Authors: Kuniharu Kishida, Sumasu Yamada, Nobuo Sugibayashi
Roundoff-error reduction for evaluation of a function by polynomial approximation with error feedback in fixed-point arithmetic
Authors: Naoki Mikami, Masaki Kobayashi, Yukiko Yokoyama
Estimation of the density of the filtered Poisson impulse process: a parametric approach
Authors: Hiroyuki Mino and Kazuo Yana
An acoustic echo canceller using subband sampling and decorrelation methods
Authors: Hiroshi Yasukawa and Shoji Shimada
Discriminative learning for minimum error classification [pattern recognition]
Authors: Biing-Hwang Juang and Shigeru Katagiri
Moment of cepstrum and its applications
Authors: Anil Khare and Toshinori Yoshikawa
Restoring a δ-pulse train by spectral fitting
Authors: Dong-Lai Liu and Masao Saito
A finite-step global convergence algorithm for the parameter estimation of multichannel MA processes
Authors: Lang Tong, Yujiro Inouye, Ruey-Wen Liu
A speaker-independent connected digit recognition system concatenating statistically discriminated words
Authors: Teruhiko Ukita, Etsuo Saito, Tsuneo Nitta, Sadakazu Watanabe
Glottal impedance based on a finite element analysis of two-dimensional unsteady viscous flow in a static glottis
Authors: Hirohisa Iijima, Nobuhiro Miki, Nobuo Nagai
An optimal design for a homomorphic deconvolution system
Authors: Isao Yamada and Kohichi Sakaniwa
Online and offline computational reduction techniques using backward filtering in CELP speech coders
Authors: Mark Johnson and Tomohiko Taniguchi
A new DSP-oriented algorithm for calculation of the square root using a nonlinear digital filter
Authors: Naoki Mikami, Masaki Kobayashi, Yukiko Yokoyama
Adaptive inverse filters for stereophonic sound reproduction
Authors: Philip Arthur Nelson, Hareo Hamada, Stephen J. Elliott
A new approach to time dependent AR modeling of signals and its application to analysis of the fourth heart sound
Authors: Hiroshi Kanai, Noriyoshi Chubachi, Ken'iti Kido, Yoshiro Koiwa, Takehiko Takagi, Junichi Kikuchi, Tamotsu Takishima
A real-time learning algorithm for a multilayered neural network based on the extended Kalman filter
Authors: Youji Iiguni, Hideaki Sakai, Hidekatsu Tokumaru
A fast parallel form IIR adaptive filter algorithm
Authors: Hctor Manuel Prez Meana and Shigeo Tsujii
A stable and distortion-free IIR echo and howling canceler
Authors: Jinhui Chao and Shigeo Tsujii
FIRGEN: a computer-aided design system for high performance FIR filter integrated circuits
Authors: Rajeev Jain, Paul T. Yang, Toshiaki Yoshino
LVQ-based shift-tolerant phoneme recognition
Authors: Erik McDermott and Shigeru Katagiri
A system identification algorithm using orthogonal functions
Authors: Hctor Manuel Prez Meana and Shigeo Tsujii
Estimation of input pulse locations from the response of an all-pole transfer system using tapered rank reduction
Authors: Hiroshi Kanai and Ken'iti Kido
An LSI implementation of generalized transversal filters
Authors: Shogo Nakamura, Yukio Kadowaki, Shigeki Matsuoka
Active power minimization of a sound source in a reverberant closed space
Authors: Mikio Tohyama, Akira Suzuki, Kiyoshi Sugiyama
Synthesis of 2-D state-space digital filters with low sensitivity based on the Fornasini-Marchesini model
Authors: Takao Hinamoto, Takashi Hamanaka, Sadao Maekawa
A fast adaptive filter algorithm using eigenvalue reciprocals as stepsizes
Authors: Jinhui Chao, Hctor Manuel Prez Meana, Shigeo Tsujii
A design method for a periodically time-varying digital filter for spectrum scrambling
Authors: Ryohei Ishii and M. Kakishita
Adaptive estimation of time-varying model order in the ARMA speech analysis
Author: Hiroyoshi Morikawa
An application of a BIC-type method to harmonic analysis and a new criterion for order determination of an AR process
Author: Hideaki Sakai
Design of IIR digital filters with arbitrary log magnitude function by WLS techniques
Authors: Takao Kobayashi and Satoshi Imai
Unsupervised speaker adaptation based on hierarchical spectral clustering
Author: Saduoki Furui
Simple method for generation of multiple normal random signals
Author: Teruyuki Izumi
A position recognition algorithm for semiconductor alignment based on structural pattern matching
Authors: Hiroshi Sakou, Takafumi Miyatake, Seiji Kashioka, Masakazu Ejiri
Modularity and scaling in large phonemic neural networks
Authors: Alex Waibel, Hidefumi Sawai, Kiyohiro Shikano
An IIR parallel-type adaptive algorithm using the fast least squares method
Authors: Kaoru Kurosawa and Shigeo Tsujii
Generation of a time series having a specified power spectrum with minimum roundoff noise
Author: Yujiro Inouye
A quadratic spline function generator
Authors: Kazuo Toraichi, Masaru Kamada, Ryoichi Mori
Phoneme recognition using time-delay neural networks
Authors: Alexander Waibel, Toshiyuki Hanazawa, Geoffrey E. Hinton, Kiyohiro Shikano, Kevin J. Lang
Window functions represented by B-spline functions
Authors: Kazuo Toraichi, Masaru Kamada, Shuichi Itahashi, Ryoichi Mori
Oversampling A-to-D and D-to-A converters with multistage noise shaping modulators
Authors: Kuniharu Uchimura, Toshio Hayashi, Tadakatsu Kimura, Atsushi Iwata
Block implementation of a recursive least squares estimation algorithm
Authors: Youji Iiguni, Hideaki Sakai, Hidekatsu Tokumaru
LPC speech coding based on variable-length segment quantization
Authors: Yoshinao Shiraki and Masaaki Honda
Multiple FIR filters on a finite ring
Author: Hideo Murakami
Inverse filtering of room acoustics
Authors: Masato Miyoshi and Yutaka Kaneda
An improved fast Fourier transform algorithm using mixed frequency and time decimations
Author: Kenji Nakayama
A weighted cepstral distance measure for speech recognition
Author: Yoh'ichi Tohkura
Accurate autoregressive spectrum estimation at low signal-to-noise ratio using a phase matching technique
Authors: Hiroshi Kanai, Masato Abe, Ken'iti Kido
Analysis of speech signals of short pitch period by a sample-selective linear prediction
Authors: Yoshiaki Miyoshi, Kazuharu Yamato, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Masuzo Yanagida, Osamu Kakusho
Notch Fourier transform
Authors: Yoshiaki Tadokoro and Kenichi Abe
An approach to time series analysis and ARMA spectral estimation
Authors: Xian-Da Zhang and Hiroshi Takeda
A discrete optimization method for high-order FIR filters with finite wordlength coefficients
Author: Kenji Nakayama
A prime factor FFT algorithm implementation using a program generation technique
Authors: F. Perez and Tadao Takaoka
Spectral slope distance measures with linear prediction analysis for word recognition in noise
Authors: Brian A. Hanson and Hisashi Wakita
A hybrid approach to high resolution two-dimensional spectrum analysis
Authors: Hidenori Kimura and Yasuhiro Honoki
Canonical pipelining of lattice filters
Authors: Hidenori Kimura and T. Osada
Hardware for image rotation by twice skew transformations
Authors: Nuio Tsuchida, Yoji Yamada, Minoru Ueda
A CCITT standard 32 kbit/s ADPCM LSI codec
Authors: Takao Nishitani, Ichiro Kuroda, Masao Satoh, Tadaharu Katoh, Yasuo Aoki
Optimization of voiced/Unvoiced decisions in nonstationary noise environments
Author: Hidefumi Kobatake
Adaptive microphone-array system for noise reduction
Authors: Yutaka Kaneda and Juro Ohga
Parametric projection filter for image and signal restoration
Authors: Erkki Oja and Hidemitsu Ogawa
Optimization of one-bit full adders embedded in regular structures
Authors: Kazuo Iwano and Kenneth Steiglitz
A ring array processor architecture for highly parallel dynamic time warping
Authors: Junichi Takahashi, Takashi Kimura, Sanshiro Hattori, Atsushi Iwata
Measurement of time delay using the time shift property of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
Author: Keinosuke Nagai
Pruning the decimation-in-time FFT algorithm with frequency shift
Author: Keinosuke Nagai
Information theory measures with application to model identification
Authors: Toshifumi Matsuoka and Tadeusz J. Ulrych
Adaptive identification of a time-varying ARMA speech model
Authors: Yoshikazu Miyanaga, Nobuhiro Miki, Nobuo Nagai
A parallel least-squares linear prediction method based on the circular lattice filter
Author: Hideaki Sakai
Fast algorithms for the DFT and other sinusoidal transforms
Authors: Naoki Suehiro and Mitsutoshi Hatori
A new FFT algorithm of radix 3, 6, and 12
Authors: Yiti Suzuki, Toshio Sone, Ken'iti Kido
Comments on "Notes on bit allocation in the time and frequency domains"
Authors: Masaaki Honda and Fumitada Itakura
Convergence properties of simplified gradient adaptive lattice algorithms
Authors: Youji Iiguni, Hideaki Sakai, Hidekatsu Tokumaru
A new discrete Fourier transform algorithm using butterfly structure fast convolution
Author: Kenji Nakayama
A unified approach to the optimal synthesis of fixed-point state-space digital filters
Authors: Masayuki Kawamata and Tatsuo Higuchi
A method of eliminating a bias in the normalized circular lattice algorithm
Authors: Youji Iiguni, Hideaki Sakai, Hidekatsu Tokumaru
LSI implementation of a pattern matching algorithm for speech recognition
Authors: Yoshiaki Kitazume, Eiji Ohira, Takeyuki Endo
Color display system for connected speech to be used for the hearing impaired
Authors: Akira Watanabe, Yuichi Ueda, Akiyoshi Shigenaga