Highly contributed researchers in 1995
Yoshinobu Nakagome (5)
Katsuro Sasaki (4) / Minoru Togashi (4) / Toshiaki Yamanaka (4) / Takashi Nishida (3)
Propagation measurements and models for wireless communications channels
Authors: Jrgen Bach Andersen, Theodore S. Rappaport, Susumu Yoshida
Time division multiple access methods for wireless personal communications
Authors: David D. Falconer, Fumiyuki Adachi, Bjrn Gudmundson
Network issues for wireless communications
Authors: Bijan Jabbari, Giovanni Colombo, Akihisa Nakajima, Jayant Kulkarni
Spread spectrum access methods for wireless communications
Authors: Ryuji Kohno, Reuven Meidan, Laurence B. Milstein
Overview of wireless personal communications
Authors: Jay E. Padgett, Christoph G. Gnther, Takeshi Hattori
A multi-faceted approach to forecasting broadband demand and traffic
Authors: Margaret Hopkins, Graham Louth, Hilary Bailey, Ronnie Yellon, Ade Ajibulu, Mari Niva
SDH network evolution in Japan
Authors: Hidetoshi Miura, Kazumitsu Maki, Kazuhiro Nishihata
An implementation of a TMN-based SDH management system in Japan
Authors: Kazuo Yamagishi, Noriyuki Sasaki, Kazuyoshi Morino
Dynamic routing in the multiple carrier international network
Authors: Arik N. Kashper and Yu Watanabe
State- and time-dependent routing in the NTT network
Authors: Konosuke Kawashima and Akiya Inoue
Standardization of network technologies and services
Authors: Koichi Asatani and Shinya Nogami
Self-healing virtual path architecture in ATM networks
Authors: Ryutaro Kawamura and Ikuo Tokizawa
Multiple-availability-level ATM network architecture
Authors: Eiji Oki, Naoaki Yamanaka, Francis Pitcho
Training techniques for neural network applications in ATM
Author: Atsushi Hiramatsu
The TINA consortium: toward networking telecommunications information services
Authors: Fabrice Dupuy, Gunnar Nilsson, Yuji Inoue
DUET: an agent-based personal communications network
Authors: Ichiro Iida, Takashi Nishigaya, Koso Murakami
ATM signaling transport network architectures and analysis
Authors: Tsong-Ho Wu, Noriaki Yoshikai, Hiroyuki Fujii
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Communications Magazine
Adaptive Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Estimation by Means of Combined Equalization and Decoding in Fading Environments
Authors: Hiroshi Kubo, Keishi Murakami, Tadashi Fujino
Design of a Pitch Synchronous Innovation CELP Coder for Mobile Communications
Authors: Kazunori Mano, Takehiro Moriya, Satoshi Miki, Hitoshi Ohmuro, Kazunaga Ikeda, Jotaro Ikedo
The Image Input Microphone - A New Nonacoustic Speech Communication System by Media Conversion from Oral Motion Images to Speech
Authors: Keiichi Otani and Takaaki Hasegawa
A Blind Sequence Detection and Its Application to Digital Mobile Communication
Author: Yoichi Sato
Performance of Sequence Estimation Scheme of Narrowband Digital FM Signals with Limiter-Discriminator Detection
Author: Yasunori Iwanami
Performance of an Integrated Voice/Data System in Nonuniform Traffic Low Earth-Orbit Satellite Communication Systems
Authors: Abbas Jamalipour, Masaaki Katayama, Takaya Yamazato, Akira Ogawa
Soft-Decision Viterbi Decoding with Diversity Combining for Multi-Beam Mobile Satellite Communication Systems
Authors: Tsotumo Sakai, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Shuji Kubota, Masahiro Morikura, Shuzo Kato
Performance Analysis of Reactive Congestion Control for ATM Networks
Authors: Kenji Kawahara, Yuji Oie, Masayuki Murata, Hideo Miyahara
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE J. Sel. Areas Communications
A variable precharge voltage sensing
Authors: Toshiaki Eirihata, Sang H. Dhong, Lewis M. Terman, Toshio Sunaga, Yoischi Taira
Delay components of a current mode logic circuit and their current dependency
Author: Yutaka Harada
Very-high-speed Si bipolar static frequency dividers with new T-type flip-flops
Authors: Kiyoshi Ishii, Haruhiko Ichino, Minoru Togashi, Yoshiji Kobayashi, Chikara Yamaguchi
Constant-current circuit-biasing technology for GaAs FET IC
Authors: Nobuo Kotera, Kiichi Yamashita, Keiichi Kitamura, Yasushi Hatta
Measurement of digital noise in mixed-signal integrated circuits
Authors: Keiko Makie-Fukuda, Takafumi Kikuchi, Tatsuji Matsuura, Masao Hotta
An 85 mW, 10 b, 40 Msample/s CMOS parallel-pipelined ADC
Authors: Katsufumi Nakamura, Masso Hotta, L. Richard Carley, David J. Allstot
A novel memory cell for multiport RAM on 0.5 μm CMOS Sea-of-Gates
Authors: Koji Nii, Hideshi Maeno, Tokuya Osawa, Shuhei Iwade, Shinpei Kayano, Hiroshi Shibata
A 4.4 ns CMOS 54⨉54-b multiplier using pass-transistor multiplexer
Authors: Norio Ohkubo, Makoto Suzuki, Toshinobu Shinbo, Toshiaki Yamanaka, Akihiro Shimizu, Katsuro Sasaki, Yoshinobu Nakagome
Asynchronous transfer mode switching LSI chips with 10-Gb/s serial I/O ports
Authors: Shigeki Hino, Minoru Togashi, Kimiyoshi Yamasaki
Data-dependent logic swing internal bus architecture for ultralow-power LSI's
Authors: Mitsuru Hiraki, Hirotsugu Kojima, Hitoshi Misawa, Takashi Akazawa, Yuji Hatano
A 6-ns 4-Mb CMOS SRAM with offset-voltage-insensitive current sense amplifiers
Authors: Koichiro Ishibashi, Koichi Takasugi, Kunihiro Komiyaji, Hiroshi Toyoshima, Toshiaki Yamanaka, Akira Fukami, Naotaka Hashimoto, Nagatoshi Ohki, Akihiro Shimizu, Takashi Hashimoto, Takahiro Nagano, Takashi Nishida
ATM in B-ISDN communication systems and VLSI realization
Authors: Takeo Koinuma and Noriharu Miyaho
Half-swing clocking scheme for 75% power saving in clocking circuitry
Authors: Hirotsugu Kojima, Satoshi Tanaka, Katsuro Sasaki
Cache-processor coupling: a fast and wide on-chip data cache design
Authors: Masato Motomura, Toshiaki Inoue, Hachiro Yamada, Akihiko Konagaya
A 0.65-ns, 72-kb ECL-CMOS RAM macro for a 1-Mb SRAM
Authors: Hiroalu Nambu, Kazuo Kanetani, Youji Idei, Tom Masuda, Keiichi Higeta, Masayuki Ohayashi, Masami Usami, Kunihiko Yamaguchi, Toshiyuki Kikuchi, Takahide Ikeda, Kenichi Ohhata, Takeshi Kusunoki, Noriyuki Homma
An automatic temperature compensation of internal sense ground for subquarter micron DRAM's
Authors: Tsukasa Ooishi, Yuichiro Komiya, Kei Hamade, Mho Asakura, Kenichi Yasuda, Kiyohiro Furutani, Hideto Hidaka, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Hideyuki Ozaki
Present and future directions for multichip module technologies
Author: Toshio Sudo
A 2.6-ns wave-pipelined CMOS SRAM with dual-sensing-latch circuits
Authors: Suguru Tachibana, Hisayuki Higuchi, Koichi Takasugi, Katsuro Sasaki, Toshiaki Yamanaka, Yoshinobu Nakagome
An asymptotically zero power charge-recycling bus architecture for battery-operated ultrahigh data rate ULSI's
Authors: Hiroyuki Yamauchi, Hironori Akamatsu, Tsutomu Fujita
Resistive interpolation biasing: a technique for compensating linear variation in an array of MOS current sources
Authors: Srinagesh Satyanarayana and Ken Suyama
Design of 1.28-GB/s high bandwidth 2-Mb SRAM for integrated memory array processor applications
Authors: Tohru Kimura, Kazuyuki Nakamura, Yoshiharu Aimoto, Takashi Manabe, Nobuyuki Yamashita, Yoshihiro Fujita, Shin'ichiro Okazaki, Masakazu Yamashina
A BiCMOS wired-OR logic
Authors: Yasunobu Nakase, Hiroaki Suzuki, Hiroshi Makino, Hirofumi Shinohara, Koichiro Mashiko
A 3.0 V 40 Mb/s hard disk drive read channel IC
Authors: Geert A. De Veirman, Shunsaku Ueda, Jackie Cheng, Stephen Tam, Kiyoshi Fukahori, Masafumi Kurisu, Eiji Shinozaki
1-V power supply high-speed digital circuit technology with multithreshold-voltage CMOS
Authors: Shin'ichiro Mutoh, Takakuni Douseki, Yasuyuki Matsuya, Takahko Aoki, Satoshi Shigematsu, Junzo Yamada
A neuron-MOS neural network using self-learning-compatible synapse circuits
Authors: Tadashi Shibata, Hideo Kosaka, Hiroshi Ishii, Tadahiro Ohmi
Principle and applications of an autocharge-compensated sample and hold circuit
Authors: Takeshi Shima, Tetsuro Itakura, Shigeru Yamada, Hironori Minamizaki, Takeshi Ishioka
A 2/3-in 2 million pixel STACK-CCD HDTV imager
Authors: Hirofumi Yamashita, Michio Sasaki, Shinji Ohsawa, Ryohei Miyagawa, Eiji Ohba, Keiji Mabuchi, Nobuo Nakamura, Nagataka Tanaka, Nahoko Endoh, Ikuko Inoue, Yoshiyuki Matsunaga, Yoshitaka Egawa, Yukio Endo, Tetsuya Yamaguchi, Yoshinori Iida, Akihiko Furukawa, Sohei Manabe, Yoshiki Ishizuka, Hideo Ichinose, Takako Niiyama, Hisanori Ihara, Hidetoshi Nozaki, Isamu Yanase, Naoshi Sakuma, Takeo Sakakubo, Hiroki Honda, Fujio Masuoka, Okio Yoshida, Hiroyuki Tango, Shun-ichi Sano
DC to 40-GHz broad-band amplifiers using AlGaAs/GaAs HBT's
Authors: Yasuhiko Kuriyama, Junko Akagi, Tohru Sugiyama, Sadato Hongo, Kunio Tsuda, Norio Iizuka, Masao Obara
A 40-GHz D-type flip-flop using AlGaAs/GaAs HBT's
Authors: Y. Kuriyama, T. Sugiyama, S. Hongo, J. Akagi, K. Tsuda, N. Iizuka, M. Obara
A novel high-speed latching operation flip-flop (HLO-FF) circuit and its application to a 19-Gb/s decision circuit using a 0.2-μm GaAs MESFET
Authors: Koichi Murata, Taiichi Otsuji, Eiichi Sano, Masanobu Ohhata, Minoru Togashi, Masao Suzuki
GaAs converter IC's for C-band DBS receivers
Authors: Sadayoshi Yoshida, Kazunari Satoh, Tatsuya Miya, Takeshi Umemoto, Hiromitsu Hirayama, Katsunori Miyagaki, Joseph Leong
A 200 MHz pipelined multiplier using 1.5 V-supply multiple-valued MOS current-mode circuits with dual-rail source-coupled logic
Authors: Takahiro Hanyu and Michitaka Kameyama
A 300-MHz 4-Mb wave-pipeline CMOS SRAM using a multiphase PLL
Authors: Koichiro Ishibashi, Kunihiro Komiyaji, Hiroshi Toyoshima, Masataka Minami, Nagatoshi Ohki, Hiroshi Ishida, Toshiaki Yamanaka, Takahiro Nagano, Takashi Nishida
A 35 ns cycle time 3.3 V only 32 Mb NAND flash EEPROM
Authors: Yoshihisa Iwata, Ken-ichi Imamiya, Yoshihisa Sugiura, Hiroshi Nakamura, Hideko Oodaira, Masaki Momodomi, Yasuo Itoh, Toshiharu Watanabe, Hitoshi Araki, Kazuhito Narita, Kazunori Masuda, Junichi Miyamoto
An experimental 295 MHz CMOS 4K⨉256 SRAM using bidirectional read/write shared sense amps and self-timed pulsed word-line drivers
Authors: Natsuki Kushiyama, Charles Tan, Richard Clark, Jane Lin, Fred Perner, Lisa Martin, Mark Leonard, Gene Coussens, Kit Cham
A 64-b microprocessor with multimedia support
Authors: Lavi Lev, Andy Charnas, Marc Tremblay, Alexander Dalal, Bruce A. Frederick, Chakra R. Srivatsa, David Greenhill, Dennis L. Wendell, Duy Dinh Pham, Eric Anderson, Hemraj K. Hingarh, Inayat Razzack, James M. Kaku, Ken Shin, Marc E. Levitt, Michael Allen, Philip A. Ferolito, Richard L. Bartolotti, Robert K. Yu, Ronald J. Melanson, Shailesh I. Shah, Sophie Nguyen, Sundari S. Mitra, Vinita Reddy, Vidyasagar Ganesan, Willem J. de Lange
A 1.6 Gbyte/s data transfer rate 8 Mb embedded DRAM
Authors: Shinji Miyano, Kenji Numata, Katsuhiko Sato, Tomoaki Yabe, Masaharu Wada, Ryo Haga, Motohiro Enkaku, Masazumi Shiochi, Yutaka Kawashima, Masayuki Iwase, Masahisa Ohgata, Junpei Kumagai, Takeshi Yoshida, Masaomi Sakurai, Seiji Kaki, Narutoshi Yanagiya, Hiroshi Shinya, Tohm Fumyama, Paul Hansen, Marc Hannah, Michael Nagy, Anan Nagarajan, Mana Rungsea
A 1 ns, 1 W, 2.5 V, 32 Kb NTL-CMOS SRAM macro using a memory cell with PMOS access transistors
Authors: Hitoshi Okamura, Hideo Toyoshima, Koichi Takeda, Takashi Oguri, Satoshi Nakamura, Masahide Takada, Kiyotaka Imai, Yasushi Kinoshita, Hiroshi Yoshida, Tom Yamazaki
An experimental 220-MHz 1-Gb DRAM with a distributed-column-control architecture
Authors: Takeshi Sakata, Masashi Horiguchi, Tomonori Sekiguchi, Shigeki Ueda, Hitoshi Tanaka, Eiji Yamasaki, Yoshinobu Nakagome, Masakazu Aoki, Toru Kaga, Makoto Ohkura, Ryo Nagai, Fumio Murai, Toshihiko Tanaka, Shimpei Iijima, Natsuki Yokoyama, Yasushi Gotoh, Ken'ichi Shoji, Teruaki Kisu, Hisaomi Yamashita, Takashi Nishida, Eiji Takeda
A 1-Gb DRAM for file applications
Authors: Tadahiko Sugibayashi, Isao Naritake, Satoshi Utsugi, Kentaro Shibahara, Ryuichi Oikawa, Hidemitsu Mori, Shouichi Iwao, Tatsunori Murotani, Kuniaki Koyama, Shinichi Fukuzawa, Toshiro Itani, Kunihiko Kasama, Takashi Okuda, Shuichi Ohya, Masaki Ogawa
Low voltage circuit design techniques for battery-operated and/or giga-scale DRAMs
Authors: Tadato Yamagata, Shigeki Tomishima, Masaki Tsukude, Takahiro Tsuruda, Yasushi Hashizume, Kazutami Arimoto
A circuit technology for a self-refresh 16 Mb DRAM with less than 0.5 μA/MB data-retention current
Authors: Hiroyuki Yamauchi, Tom Iwata, Akito Uno, Masanori Fukumoto, Tsutomu Fujita
A 10 Mb frame buffer memory with Z-compare and A-blend units
Authors: Kazunari Inoue, Hisashi Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kawai
3.5-Gb/s⨉4-ch Si bipolar LSI's for optical interconnections
Authors: Noboru Ishihara, Shuichi Fujita, Minoru Togashi, Shigeki Hino, Yoshimitsu Arai, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Yoshiji Kobayashi, Yukio Akazawa
A half-pel precision MPEG2 motion-estimation processor with concurrent three-vector search
Authors: Kazuya Ishihara, Shinichi Masuda, Shin-ichi Hattori, Hirofumi Nishikawa, Yoshihide Ajioka, Tsuyoshi Yamada, Hiroyuki Amishiro, Shin-ichi Uramoto, Masahiko Yoshimoto, Tadashi Sumi
A 22-kHz multibit switched-capacitor sigma-delta D/A converter with 92 dB dynamic range
Authors: Peicheng Ju, Ken Suyama, Paul F. Ferguson Jr., Wai Lee
High reliability electron-ejection method for high density flash memories
Authors: Takayuki Kawahara, Naoki Miyamoto, Syun-ichi Saeki, Yusuke Jyouno, Masataka Kato, Katsutaka Kimura
Low-noise, high-speed data transmission using a ringing-canceling output buffer
Authors: Tomonori Sekiguchi, Masashi Horiguchi, Takeshi Sakata, Yoshinobu Nakagome, Shigeki Ueda, Masakazu Aoki
A 2.7-4.5 V single chip GSM transceiver RF integrated circuit
Authors: Trudy D. Stetzler, Irving G. Post, Joseph H. Havens, Mikio Koyama
A CMOS gate array with 600 Mb/s simultaneous bidirectional I/O circuits
Authors: Toshiro Takahashi, Makio Uchida, Takahiko Takahashi, Ryozo Yoshino, Masakazu Yamamoto, Nobuh Kitamura
A 2 V, 10 b, 20 Msample/s, mixed-mode subranging CMOS A/D converter
Authors: Michio Yotsuyanagi, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Motoi Yamaguchi, Masaki Ishida, Kazuya Sone
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
Preservation of reachability and observability under sampling with a first-order hold
Author: Tomomichi Hagiwara
Comments on "On the robust Popov criterion for interval Lur"e systems
Authors: Takehiro Mori, T. Nishimura, Yasuaki Kuroe, Hideki Kokame
On solving Diophantine equations by real matrix manipulation
Authors: Manabu Yamada, Piao Chung Zun, Yasuyuki Funahashi
Robust controller design for delay systems in the gap-metric
Authors: Akira Kojima and Shintaro Ishijima
μ -synthesis of an electromagnetic suspension system
Authors: Masayuki Fujita, Toru Namerikawa, Fumio Matsumura, Kenko Uchida
All fixed-order H∞ controllers: observer-based structure and covariance bounds
Authors: Tetsuya Iwasaki and Robert E. Skelton
Robust stability criteria for dynamical systems including delayed perturbations
Authors: Hansheng Wu and Koichi Mizukami
Robust H∞ control of uncertain nonlinear system via state feedback
Authors: Tielong Shen and Katsutoshi Tamura
Structure of model uncertainty for a weakly corrupted plant
Authors: Tong Zhou and Hidenori Kimura
Prediction of track purity and track accuracy in dense target environments
Authors: Shozo Mori, Kuo-Chu Chang, Chee-Yee Chong, Keh-Ping Dunn
The infimal controllable and N-observable superpredicate of a given predicate
Authors: Shigemasa Takai, Toshimitsu Ushio, Shinzo Kodama
FR-operator approach to the H2 analysis and synthesis of sampled-data systems
Authors: Tomomichi Hagiwara and Mituhiko Araki
Hankel norm of sampled-data systems
Authors: Krit Chongsrid and Shinji Hara
Corrections to "On the structure of H∞ control systems and related extensions"
Authors: Gjerrit Meinsma and Hidenori Kimura
Static-state feedback control of discrete-event systems under partial observation
Authors: Shigemasa Takai, Toshimitsu Ushio, Shinzo Kodama
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Autom. Control.
Average-intensity reconstruction and Wiener reconstruction of bioelectric current distribution based on its estimated covariance matrix
Authors: Kensuke Sekihara and Bernhard Scholz
Estimation of shear modulus distribution in soft tissue from strain distribution
Authors: Chikayoshi Sumi, Akifumi Suzuki, Kiyoshi Nakayama
Filtering noncorrelated noise in impedance cardiography
Authors: Allan Kardec Barros, Makoto Yoshizawa, Yoshifumi Yasuda
Comparative simulation of excitation and body surface electrocardiogram with isotropic and anisotropic computer heart models
Authors: Daming Wei, Osamu Okazaki, Kenichi Harumi, Eishi Harasawa, Hidehiro Hosaka
Selective minimum-norm solution of the biomagnetic inverse problem
Authors: Kanta Matsuura and Yoichi Okabe
Modeling of micturition characteristics based on prostatic stiffness modulation induced using hormones and adrenergic antagonists
Authors: Sadao Omata and Christos E. Constantinou
Blood pressure control during surgical operations
Authors: Eiko Furutani, Mituhiko Araki, Tadahiro Sakamoto, Shunzo Maetani
A less invasive Emax estimation method for weaning from cardiac assistance
Authors: Shin-ichi Nitta, Makoto Yoshizawa, Tomoyuki Yambe, Motonao Tanaka, Hiroshi Takeda
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Biomedical Eng.
Optical system and characteristics of an LCD projector with interleaved pixels using four LCD projectors
Authors: Yukio Takahashi, Tomoyoshi Nomura, Shigenobu Sakai
An optimization approach for removing blocking effects in transform coding
Authors: Shigenobu Minami and Avideh Zakhor
A teleconferencing system capable of multiple person eye contact (MPEC) using half mirrors and cameras placed at common points of extended lines of gaze
Authors: Liyanage C. De Silva, Mitsuho Tahara, Kiyoharu Aizawa, Mitsutoshi Hatori
VLSI implementation of inverse discrete cosine transformer and motion compensator for MPEG2 HDTV video decoding
Authors: Toshihiro Masaki, Yasuo Morimoto, Takao Onoye, Isao Shirakawa
A compact real-time vision system using integrated memory array processor architecture
Authors: Shin'ichiro Okazaki, Yoshihiro Fujita, Nobuyuki Yamashita
Image segmentation using fractal coding
Authors: Takashi Ida and Yoko Sambonsugi
Very low bit rate video coding using arbitrarily shaped region-based motion compensation
Authors: Yutaka Yokoyama, Yasuyuki Miyamoto, Mutsumi Ohta
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Circuits Systems Video Technol.
Delay analysis of unidirectional fiber-optic bus networks
Author: Yutaka Matsumoto
Cell loss and output process analyses of a finite-buffer discrete-time ATM queueing system with correlated arrivals
Authors: Tetsuya Takine, Tatsuya Suda, Toshiharu Hasegawa
Reversible variable length codes
Authors: Yasuhiro Takishima, Masahiro Wada, Hitomi Murakami
A new method for computing intermodulation products in SCPC systems
Author: Hiromitsu Wakana
ATM data transmission systems based on N-ISDN
Authors: Changzheng Wang, Masahiro Numa, Kotaro Hirano
Depth-first coding for multivalued pictures using bit-plane decomposition
Authors: Sei-ichiro Kamata, Richard O. Eason, Eiji Kawaguchi
A multirate acoustic echo canceler structure
Authors: Fumio Amano, Hctor M. Prez Meana, Adriano de Luca, Gonzalo Duchen-Sanchez
Quantum communication with three coherent states
Authors: Tomohiko Uyematsu and Cherif Bendjaballah
Performance limitation of the leaky bucket algorithm for ATM networks
Authors: Naoaki Yamanaka, Youichi Sato, Ken-ichi Sato
Medium-term centralized virtual-path bandwidth control based on traffic measurements
Authors: Michael D. Logothetis and Shigeo Shioda
Block permutation coding of images using cosine transform
Authors: Zhongshu Ji, Katsumi Tanaka, Shinzo Kitamura
On the Performance of Multicarrier DS CDMA Systems
Authors: Shiro Kondo and Laurence B. Milstein
A multicast hybrid ARQ scheme using MDS codes and GMD decoding
Authors: Katsumi Sakakibara and Masao Kasahara
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Communications
A Design of Reed-Solomon Decoder with Systolic Array Structure
Authors: Keiichi Iwamura, Yasunori Dohi, Hideki Imai
Fast Evaluation of the Elementary Functions in Single Precision
Authors: Weng-Fai Wong and Eiichi Goto
Stochastic Models for Performance Analysis of Database Recovery Control
Authors: Paulo B. Ges and Ushio Sumita
A Performance and Cost Analysis of Applying Superscalar Method to Mainframe Computers
Authors: Yooichi Shintani, Kiyoshi Inoue, Eiki Kamada, Toru Shonai
On the Maximum Value of Aliasing Probabilities for Single Input Signature Registers
Authors: Shou-ping Feng, Toru Fujiwara, Tadao Kasami, Kazuhiko Iwasaki
Hypercube Multiprocessors with Bus Connections for Improving Communication Performance
Author: Tsutomu Ishikawa
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Computers
Neuro fuzzy transmission control for automobile with variable loads
Authors: Koki Hayashi, Yoshinao Shimizu, Yasuhiko Dote, Akira Takayama, Atsushi Hirako
Arbitrary path tracking control of articulated vehicles using nonlinear control theory
Authors: Mitsuji Sampei, Takeshi Tamura, Tadaharu Kobayashi, Nobuhiro Shibui
CMAC neural network controller for fuel-injection systems
Authors: Hitoshi Shiraishi, Susan L. Ipri, Dong-Il Dan Cho
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Control. Systems Technol.
A technique for measurement of spaceborne SAR antenna patterns using distributed targets
Authors: Masanobu Shimada and Anthony Freeman
Two-dimensional and full polarimetric imaging by a synthetic aperture FM-CW radar
Authors: Yoshio Yamaguchi, Toru Nishikawa, Masakazu Sengoku, Wolfgang-Martin Boerner
Application of neural networks for sea ice classification in polarimetric SAR images
Authors: Yoshihisa Hara, Robert G. Atkins, Robert T. Shin, Jin Au Kong, Simon H. Yueh, Ronald Kwok
Quantitative estimation of SiO2 content in igneous rocks using thermal infrared spectra with a neural network approach
Author: Yoshiki Ninomiya
K-vector determination of whistler mode signals by using amplitude data obtained by a spacecraft borne instrument
Authors: Ken-ichi Sakamoto, Yoshiya Kasahara, Iwane Kimura
Depolarization of radar signals due to multiple scattering in rain
Authors: Shigeo Ito, Tomohiro Oguchi, Toshio Iguchi, Hiroshi Kumagai, Robert Meneghini
Monitoring of rice crop growth from space using the ERS-1 C-band SAR
Authors: Takashi Kurosu, Masaharu Fujita, Kazuo Chiba
Development of an active radar calibrator for the TRMM precipitation radar
Authors: Hiroshi Kumagai, Toshiaki Kozu, Makoto Satake, Hiroshi Hanado, Ken'ichi Okamoto
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Geosci. Remote. Sens.
Image classification using spectral and spatial information based on MRF models
Authors: Tatsuya Yamazaki and Denis Gingras
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Image Processing
Balanced nonbinary sequences with good periodic correlation properties obtained from modified Kumar-Moreno sequences
Authors: Tsutomu Moriuchi and Kyoki Imamura
Optimum soft-output detection for channels with intersymbol interference
Authors: Yunxin Li, Branka Vucetic, Yoichi Sato
On the capacity of the discrete-time Gaussian channel with delayed feedback
Author: Kenjiro Yanagi
Simultaneous estimation of echo path and channel responses using full-duplex transmitted training data sequences
Authors: Xixian Chen, Masakiyo Suzuki, Nobuhiro Miki, Nobuo Nagai
Good error-detection codes satisfying the expurgated bound
Author: Takeshi Hashimoto
On the size of arcs in projective spaces
Authors: A. H. Ali, J. W. P. Hirschfeld, Hitoshi Kaneta
Parameter estimation with multiterminal data compression
Authors: Te Sun Han and Shun-ichi Amari
The asymptotics of posterior entropy and error probability for Bayesian estimation
Authors: Fumio Kanaya and Te Sun Han
Generalized Berlekamp-Massey decoding of algebraic-geometric codes up to half the Feng-Rao bound
Authors: Shojiro Sakata, Helge Elbrnd Jensen, Tom Hholdt
Fast decoding of algebraic-geometric codes up to the designed minimum distance
Authors: Shojiro Sakata, Jrn Justesen, Y. Madelung, Helge Elbrnd Jensen, Tom Hholdt
On the distribution function of a random power series with Bernoulli variables as coefficients
Authors: Hirosi Sugiyama and Akira Huzii
Competitive optimality of source codes
Authors: Hirosuke Yamamoto and Tadaaki Itoh
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Inf. Theory
High speed paper currency recognition by neural networks
Authors: Fumiaki Takeda and Sigeru Omatu
Temperature regulation with neural networks and alternative control schemes
Authors: Marzuki Khalid, Sigeru Omatu, Rubiyah Yusof
K-winners-take-all circuit with O(N) complexity
Authors: Kiichi Urahama and Takeshi Nagao
Probabilistic design of layered neural networks based on their unified framework
Authors: Sumio Watanabe and Kenji Fukumizu
Active control of vibration using a neural network
Authors: Scott D. Snyder and Nobuo Tanaka
Two-dimensional spatio-temporal dynamics of analog image processing neural networks
Authors: Haruo Kobayashi, Takashi Matsumoto, Jun Sanekata
Self-organizing QRS-wave recognition in ECG using neural networks
Author: Yukinori Suzuki
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Neural Networks
Optimal Granularity and Scheme of Parallel Test Generation in a Distributed System
Authors: Hideo Fujiwara and Tomoo Inoue
Generating and Approximating Nondominated Coteries
Authors: Jan C. Bioch and Toshihide Ibaraki
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Parallel Distributed Systems
Time-minimum routes in time-dependent networks
Author: Kikuo Fujimura
Learning control for robot tasks under geometric endpoint constraints
Authors: Tomohide Naniwa and Suguru Arimoto
Alignment using an uncalibrated camera system
Authors: Billibon H. Yoshimi and Peter K. Allen
Toward automatic robot instruction from perception-temporal segmentation of tasks from human hand motion
Authors: Sing Bing Kang and Katsushi Ikeuchi
Uncertainty in object pose determination with three light-stripe range measurements
Authors: Keiichi Kemmotsu and Takeo Kanade
Finding the shortest path of a disc among polygonal obstacles using a radius-independent graph
Authors: Yun-Hui Liu and Suguru Arimoto
An approach to sliding-mode based control
Authors: Ziren Lu, Sadao Kawamura, Andrew A. Goldenberg
Shear force feedback control of flexible robot arms
Authors: Zheng-Hua Luo, Nobuyulu Kitamura, Bao-Zhu Guo
An implicit loop method for kinematic calibration and its application to closed-chain mechanisms
Authors: Charles W. Wampler, John M. Hollerbach, Tatsuo Arai
Map-based navigation for a mobile robot with omnidirectional image sensor COPIS
Authors: Yasushi Yagi, Yoshimitsu Nishizawa, Masahiko Yachida
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Robotics Autom.
A smooth signal generator based on quadratic B-spline functions
Authors: Masaru Kamada, Kazuo Toraichi, Rudolf E. Kalman
Macro pipelining based scheduling on high performance heterogeneous multiprocessor systems
Authors: Sati Banerjee, Takeo Hamada, Paul M. Chau, Ronald D. Fellman
On-line spectral estimation of nonstationary time series based on AR model parameter estimation and order selection with a forgetting factor
Authors: Satoru Goto, Masatoshi Nakamura, Katsuji Uosaki
Sampling rate conversion systems using a new generalized form of the discrete Fourier transform
Author: Hideo Murakami
Convergence analysis of a data echo canceller with a stochastic gradient adaptive FIR filter using the sign algorithm
Author: Shin'ichi Koike
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Signal Processing
Inverse filter design and equalization zones in multichannel sound reproduction
Authors: Philip Arthur Nelson, Felipe Ordua-Bustamante, Hareo Hamada
Weighted RLS adaptive beamformer with initial directivity
Authors: Futoshi Asano, Yiti Suzuki, Toshio Sone
Adaptive cepstral analysis of speech
Authors: Keiichi Tokuda, Takao Kobayashi, Satoshi Imai
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: IEEE Transactions Speech Audio Processing
Model-based image coding advanced video coding techniques for very low bit-rate applications
Authors: Kiyoharu Aizawa and Thomas S. Huang
Reference model methodology-A tool for the collaborative creation of video coding standards
Author: Sakae Okubo
Trends in low-power RAM circuit technologies
Authors: Kiyoo Itoh, Katsuro Sasaki, Yoshinobu Nakagome
Cameras and display systems
Authors: Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Masanobu Yamamoto, Takashi Asaida
Present status of three-dimensional television research
Authors: Toshio Motoki, Haruo Isono, Ichiro Yuyama
Digital video recording
Authors: Masuo Umemoto, Yoshizumi Eto, Takahiko Fukinuki
This list is based on the data extracted from dblp: Proc. IEEE